Chapter 1

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Sorry guys, really late update. I haven't been feeling creative for a couple of months now and have been procrastinating a lot but I decided to get this chapter done so we can move forward in the story. I will admit that this might not be my best work but I tried my best to get my ideas down on the computer. Disclaimer: I don't own any of the Once Upon A Time characters and I don't own Agraba these things belong to Disney and the creators of Once. I only own the characters that I have made up.

It has been 10 months since Killian Jones has seen his princess lover. Most people believe that since people who "work" far away from their family or in Killian's case, his loved one, you would forget what they or that special looked like. Killian would never forget his beautiful Agrabian princess, she was his as he was hers at least that's what he thought.

Once his pirate ship 'the Jolly Rodger' was docked at the Bayian Bay and his crew was all off the ship on their way to go to a local tavern to get drunk, Killian walked down to the nearby stables and "bought" a black stallion that was named Dasher. Once he "bought" Dasher, Killian quickly mounted the black steed and galloped with a lot of speed to the palace where his princess lover was waiting for him. Killian arrived at the huge cement gates where a palace guard asked him for his identification and asked what he was doing there.

"I am Killian Jones, Captain of the Jolly Rodger and in love the beautiful princess who awaits me arrival from inside this gate. I would like to ask for the Sultan and the Queen's permission for asking for their daughter's hand in marriage." He said proudly with such passion.

"Sorry, Captain Jones of the Jolly Rodger but haven't you heard?" The guard questioned him.

Killian looked dumbfounded. "Haven't I heard what?"

"Well you see Captain, but the Princess was wed a couple of months ago to a neighboring kingdom's son and she hasn't been seen since the wedding."

Killian felt like his heart just broke into hundreds of tiny little pieces when he heard this. No she would never break her promise to me, she has never, ever broken her promises to me, Killian thought in his head.

"Married? No that's impossible."

"But it's true Captain. That was all the news you could hear from the royal family, nothing about policies or beheadings or about the fundings. It was all about the wedding." the guard said. "Do you want me to send in a message to Princess Gabriella, sir?"

Killian felt the tears were about to come out of his eyes but he held them back because he was a very brave man and he could face anything.

"Ah no, no, no. It's fine, don't worry about sending anything for me to this family, ever again." Killian said with such a sad tone. He turned Dasher around and started to trot away, hopefully as far away as he could get from that retched palace.

While Killian was trotting away on his noble steed, heartbroken and feeling sorry for himself, he didn't notice the royal carriage go by with some very, precious cargo.


When Princess Gabriella received word from one of her handmaidens that Killian was back in Agraba, she was so excited to see him again, but miserable at the same time because she remembered the deal she had made with her father, he even woke her up early this morning to make sure she didn't go back on their deal. So there she was getting driven down to the docks to abandon her precious child.

Her thoughts were interrupted when the carriage shook, meaning they were on the docks. You could hear the drivers boots tap on the wooden dock as he went to fetch the Princess. She was wearing a long black dress, similar to the one she wore the last time she saw her pirate but this time she wore a hooded, black cloak that reached her ankles.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2017 ⏰

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