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Hey guys this is my new story about Captain Hook, don't worry all those captain swan shippers I will put Captain swan, Henry and outlaw queen and all the other characters but for now I'm just putting a disclaimer I do not own anything except for Gabriella, her parents, Adam and his brother and their parents everything else belongs to the writers of Once Upon A Time and Disney.

"Killian we can't be together." Princess Gabriella of Agraba said to the pirate captain as she walked into he quarters. Him close behind.

"Why Gabriella? Why do you say that every time we are together!? I feel like you don't even care about me?" Killian said as he opened a bottle of rum.

Gabriella turned with a sad look on her face as she faced the handsome pirate.

"No Killian, I do I really do it's just that my father wants me to marry soon and give the kingdom the heir that they so need and plus you are leaving tonight." Gabriella said then sat down on Killian's bed. He put his bottle of rum on his mahogany desk and sat down next to the princess. He put his arms around the Agrabian princess and kissed her forehead. They turned to faced each other.

"Don't worry love, in 10 months I'm going to come back for you and when I do, I'm going to march down to the castle and ask your father for your hand in marriage," Killian said as he caressed he left cheek. Gabriella kissed him on the lips and laid her head on his shoulder.

"You promise?"

"Aye lass I promise." He said and kissed her on her lips again.

"I love you." Gabriella said.

"I love you too my Agrabian princess." And they kissed again.

When Gabriella got back home she was summoned to the throne room to meet with her parents. Her mother Lilianna the sultana and her father Sebastian, the sultan.

Gabriella entered the throne room with a smile but that smile was wiped away as soon as she saw the looks on her parents faces.

'Gabriella where was you been all day?! You did not come to dine with us at lunch and you didn't attend your appointment with the royal seamtress so tell me my child, where have you been?" The sultan said.

Gabriella walked into the middle of the room and towards the steps to where her parents thrones were. The room was made of white marble literally everything was made of marble in the throne room. The walls, the floor, the ceiling, the stairs and even the thrones were made of marble. There were huge ceiling to floor windows every second marble wall all the way around and I n the middle of the room was a huge circle in front of the steps that lead to the thrones that was painted red and had the Agrabian crest in the middle of it. There was a mahogany double door that the princess came through and behind the sultan and sultana was a portrait of him, his wife and his daughter.

Gabriella looked more like her mum than her dad. Her fathers brunette hair was cut really short to make sure his hat/ crown didn't fall off. It was white and his outfit matched it. Her mother had long, flowing black hair that reached her waist but was always up in a bun with her red crown sitting just above the bun with a white Gem in the middle. She was wearing a matching dress that stopped at her ankles to show off her gold pointed shoes. On her dress skirt was a gold swirling pattern that Gabriella thought only her mother could pull off. Gabriella was a mirror imagine of her mother except in baggy pants and a top that stop at the top of her ribs and was coloured black with two straps around her arms to hold it in place.

"Briella honey, your father asked you a question and I think it's in his right to know the answer my dear." Her mother said.

"Well if you must know I was with someone." Gabriella said as she stood on the bottom step.

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