It feels like hours have passed of them just watching her move gracefully through the crowd, but it's only a minute until she's right in front of them. 

"Let her in, Kyle." Luca gently demands their guard to move, getting more and more restless as Seraphine gets closer. 

Her eyes are closed as she steps upstairs, and Luca half expects her to trip. She doesn't, still as graceful as ever, and he keeps his gaze on her as she opens her eyes and wraps her arms around her middle. 

Nico sucks in a breath as she does, and Luca glares at him. 

"H-Hello," comes her soft voice, and Luca's eyelids flutter. She's perfect, everything about her is so fucking good--

"I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, I'm so fucking sorry, please forgive me, I'm so sorry," come her mumbles as she steps right up to Luca, her flats meeting the tips of his dress shoes. He raises an eyebrow at her, parting his lips to speak, when she suddenly lifts a leg and slides it onto the booth next to him, the next leg following quickly afterwards.

Holy fucking shit. 

Damien's eyes are blown, Enzo's jaw is on the floor, and Nico is standing, but Luca doesn't move as Seraphine sits fully on his lap. He inhales sharply when she settles, but that's the only thing that gives him away as alive.

Everything else is stock still as his princess starts to move her hips. 

Oh my god. 

"I'm...I'm so sorry, please, I'm so sorry." Luca can hear the tears in Seraphine's voice, and it wounds him. He'd imagined this scene playing out very differently in the past--no tears, no dirty club, no shitty boyfriend watching her every move. Just him and her on his lap, circling those gorgeous hips as he gives her instructions and she follows like the good girl he knows she is. 

Luca makes a split second decision, glancing over to his partners before focusing on Seraphine's face. 

"Miss Thatch," he starts softly, and she pauses, sucking in a shuddering breath. "I'm going to put my hands on your waist. Is that okay with you?" His voice is low, but he knows she heard him. 

"Y-Yes," she answers, and Luca nods even though she hasn't opened her eyes to look at him. 

A lesson to be taught at a later date. 

Slowly, Luca raises his hands until they're hovering over Seraphine's fabric-clad waist. He waits for her to protest, and when she doesn't, he settles them over her dress. 

She shudders, and Luca feels his dick twitch once more beneath her. She must notice, because her chin drops to her chest and her eyelids crinkle with the force of her keeping them shut. 

"I'm so sorry, professor, I'm so sorry, I'm--" Luca tightens his grip on her waist, sending another shiver rippling through her small body. He pulls two fingers away only to tap them against her twice, and she instantly opens her eyes and looks down at him. 

Good girl. 

"There's no need to apologize, Miss Thatch. I think I understand your situation. Your...pimp, if I may, is glaring very harshly in our direction. What does he want?" Luca hadn't taken his eyes off of Seraphine, but he could feel Derek's gaze on the two of them from across the club. It's annoying him, having an audience when he could have Seraphine all to himself. 

Seraphine swallows, the small action drawing Luca's eyes to her throat, and what he sees makes him stiffen: there are five finger-sized bruises surrounding her esophagus. 

He grits his teeth, but doesn't say anything. He'd rather confront her with all of his partners paying attention, so the truth would come out in front of all of them. 

" boyfriend," Seraphine's voice pulls Luca out of his reverie, and his eyes dart from her neck to her face. It's bright red, and Luca almost wants to smile at her embarrassment, before he remembers the bruises he'd just found and he scowls. 

He watches Seraphine's gaze travel down from his eyes to his mouth, where it lingers, before dropping down to where he knows a dragonfly rests on his neck. She swallows thickly.

Luca taps Seraphine's hips once more, and instantly her eyes snap to his. 

"Good girl," he can't help but breathe, and Seraphine inhales, her thighs clenching on top of him.

Luca's jaw clenches, and she squeezes her eyes shut, dropping her chin once more. 

"I'm so sorry, professor." 

"I didn't ask who he was, I asked what he wanted, Miss Thatch." Luca's voice is raspy, and Seraphine's thighs clench once more. 

This woman will be the death of me.

"U-Um, I'm...supposed to pleasure you...sir," she adds as an afterthought, and Luca's eyes widen as she starts to move her hips again. He tightens his grip on her waist and she stops immediately. 

"That's what he wants, Miss Thatch?" Luca knows he has her as soon as she bites her lip and crinkles her nose.

"Mhmm. Mhmm. C-Can you me that? It's too formal, and I--" 

"Seraphine," Luca murmurs, his breath fanning over Seraphine's lips. She stops biting the bottom one and exhales, her body trying to suppress another shudder. 

He tightens his grip on her waist to keep himself from telling her to relax. 

"Y-Yes?" She answers sweetly, slowly opening one shining blue eye to find Luca's gray ones. He stares at her until she opens the other one, and he searches her tearful gaze before his eyes drop to her neck, and he clenches his jaw. 

"Distract him." Is all he says, and that's all it takes for his partners to stand up and exit the VIP booth, heading straight for Derek. 

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