Hecate more like Hecno

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Outside the Spencer's house. Allison is there. Elliot walks up to her holding a rose. Elliot smiled "Mrs. Allison Spencer, I presume." She takes the rose off of him and smells it. Allison looked at him " You mean, Mrs. Allison
Michaels-Spencer, don't you?" He nodded " You wanna be alone?" She shakes her head "No." He looked at her "You're not getting cold feet are you?" She shakes her head again "No, Elliot, I am definitely not getting cold feet. I love you, you know that." He sighed "But..." Allison sighed " I don't know, it's just so overwhelming. I mean, after all these years of dreaming about us getting married, I just, I don't want anything bad to happen, that's all." Elliot looked at her " I've got an idea. Let's elope."

Allison looked at him "Yeah, right, like your mum would really allow that." They kiss. His mom comes out. Her name is Grace. She looked at them " Elliot?" Allison sighed "Speak of the devil." Grace walks up to them. Elliot smiled " Hi, mum." Grace looked at him " I have been looking all over for you. Did you get the marriage certificate yet?" Elliot shakes his head " Not yet." Grace looked at him " Well, you have to. The wedding won't be legal without it." Allison looked at her " We're going to City Hall tomorrow before the rehearsal dinner." Grace looked at them " But why not go today?" Elliot sighed "Mum, relax will you. Why are you so bent about this?" Allison sees Jade standing near by. Allison looked at Grace "Who's that?" Grace sighed "Oh, no." Elliot looked too "Who is it?"

Grace sighed " Someone I haven't seen for a long time." Mrs. Spencer walks over to Jade. " What are you doing here?" She asks her. Jade laughed "What's the matter? Forget about our little pact?" Grace shakes her head "No, Jade, but I was hoping that you did. My God, you haven't aged in twenty years." Jade smiled " You could've asked for eternal youth, Grace, instead of choosing wealth, power, all this. You've had a good life, haven't you?" Kirsten walks up to them. " Where to?" Jade looked at her "Oh, have the butler show you to our rooms. Tell him Mrs. Spencer was expecting us." Kirsten leaves. Grace looked at her "You can't just move in here. People will be suspicious. What will I say?" Jade hummed "Say the truth. Say your son's had a change of heart. That was our deal remember? Don't worry, Elliot won't even know what you did until it's over."

Jade uses her power and Elliot collapses on the ground. Allison gasps "Elliot! Elliot!" Allison starts screaming. "Help me! No!"

One week later at the Manor. Prue knocks on the bathroom door. Prue sighed "Piper, are you still in there?" Cut in the bathroom. Piper's in there holding up a pregnancy test. She looked up "I'm almost done." Prue sighed "Define almost." Piper looked around " Just give me another minute... or two." Prue sighed "You're positive?" Piper whispered "I hope not." Prue groaned "Piper, I cannot be late today." Piper whispering again "I know the feeling." Prue continues talking "My first biannual auction starts tomorrow and..." Both Prue and Piper say at the same time "I want to do a good job." Piper nodded "Yes, I know." Prue sighed " So, can you hurry?" Piper called out "Just use the bathroom downstairs." Prue groaned "All my stuff is up here." Piper sighed "Well, borrow mine. It's all down there."

Prue sighed " But then... never mind." Prue leaves and Phoebe walks up to the bathroom. She knocks on the door. Phoebe says this time "Piper?" Piper sighed " I'll be right out." Prim comes out of her room. "Is there any hot water left?" Phoebe asked. "There better be hot water left." Piper throws the pregnancy test box in the bin and opens the door. "What?" Phoebe looked at her "Am I in for a cold shower? Yes or no?" Piper looked at her "At certain times in our life, a cold shower is probably a good thing." Prim looked at her confused "What on earth are you talking about?" Phoebe sighed " Not three mornings in a row, it isn't." Piper leaves and Phoebe walks in the bathroom. Prim decided to just go downstairs.  Phoebe starts brushing her teeth and notices the box in the bin. She picks it up and has a premonition of a demon being born.

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