I'm So Dead

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Near the park. Piper's car has broken down and she's talking to Phoebe on her phone. Prim was trying to talk but Phoebe wasn't having it. Piper talking through the phone " Of course I know what a jack is, Phoebe. I just don't know how to use it. It's not like I've ever got a flat tire before. I mean, this doesn't happen to me everyday." Phoebe hummed "Piper, relax. I used to date a mechanic. I will walk you through it. Okay, you put the jack under the jeep and then you put the handle in the base and ratchet it up and down. Okay, it's very easy." Piper nodded trying to find the handle "Handle... I don't think I've got a handle. Wait, there's a long wooden spoon in the back."

Cut to Phoebe, Prim, and Prue. They're in Quake. Phoebe sighed " That's not gonna work." She looked to Prue and Prim "She's looking for a long wooden spoon." Prim gave her an 'Are you serious' look. "She has to know that's not gonna do anything."

Cut back to Piper. She finds the spoon. "Okay, okay." She sticks it in the jack and the spoon breaks. "Oh! It didn't work." Phoebe still on the phone says "Okay, stay there and we'll come get you." Piper shakes her head "No, I can do it, I can figure it out." Phoebe sighed "Piper, you're stranded and you're all alone and the only thing you have to protect yourself with is a wooden spoon that's broken." Piper looked around "And I have the power to freeze. I'm fine, it's better than mace. Okay, I gotta go before my battery dies. I gotta call the Auto Club. I'll meet you there in a little bit." Phoebe tries to get her to stop "Piper, wait." Piper hangs up. " Hello?" Phoebe asks then looks to Prue and Prim " She is out of her mind."

Prim nodded "No really the wooden spoon didn't give you that idea before?" Phoebe gave her a look and Prue looked at the two " Alright, we'll give her 15 minutes, then call back." Phoebe nodded " Okay." Prue nodded "Okay." Prim takes a sip of her water "Yeah okay."

Cut back to Piper. She's calling the auto club. The operator answers "Directory assistance. What city please?" Piper sighed " San Francisco. Auto club please." Something is lurking in the bushes.

Cut back to Prue, Prim, and Phoebe. Phoebe looked at them " Now, back to what we were talking about. What do you think?" Prue nodded "Well, I think it's a good idea." Prim looked at Prue confused "You do?" Prue nodded. Phoebe smiled "Great." Prue looked at her "And I think it's a bad idea." Prim nodded "See that's the Prue I know." Phoebe raised her eyebrows "How? How's it a bad idea? You need extra help for the auction and I need a job." Prue sighed "Well, not only are we family but we live together and I don't think that my wardrobe can take the assault of your daily needs." Phoebe looked at her "Okay, I'm great with phones, better with people and very computer friendly and with a pay cheque, I could purchase new clothes. So by hiring me, you'd actually be expanding your wardrobe not decreasing it. And I'd be eternally grateful." Prim finished her drink "She makes a good point."

Phoebe smiled as a 'thank you for helping me'. Prue looked at Phoebe "You really wanna work at Bucklands with me?" Phoebe nodded "When opportunity knocks, I answer the door." Prue looked at her " The job is very demanding. Auctions can be stressful." Phoebe smiled "I love a challenge." Prue continued "They're pretty long hours." Phoebe grinned again "Overtime is my friend. Ooh, plus, I just thought of something else. With my premonitions, I might just be able to get you the straight dope without a trip to the office water cooler." Prue chuckled "Don't push it." Phoebe nodded "Right. So, what do you think?" Prim hummed "I'd really think about it Prue, I mean you know how she is." Prue nodded "Can you start tomorrow?" Phoebe squealed "Yes. Hey, can you give me a ride?" Prim gasps "Yeah can you give me one too?" Prue looked at her "You have a car." Prim pouted "Hey, you're giving Phoebe a ride, I thought I'd shoot my shot." Prue flicked her on the head gently "Yes and you missed."

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