Past and Future

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Mutasim P.O.V

Jessica and I stayed with the fire, keeping warm next to it while Heather was still out looking for Jessica's parents. The young girl had finally calmed down a little, but now she just stayed silent, hugging her legs up to her chest. I kept my arm wrapped around her in an attempt to both keep her warm and comfort her. 

Suddenly, we heard a knock on the cabin door, prompting Jessica and I to turn our heads to it. 

Jessica: Mommy? 

Mutasim: I'll have a look. Stay here. 

Pushing myself up to my feet, I walked to the door and grabbed the handle, twisting and then pulling it open. Thankfully, it was Heather with an older woman who wore a grey sweater. 

Heather: Mutasim, I found her. 

Woman: Where's my daughter? Is she safe? 

Mutasim: Yeah, she's over by the fire keepi-

The old lady shoved me aside as she marched into the cabin. 

Mutasim: ...warm. 

Heather: You should've seen her when I told her what happened. She freaked out. 

Mutasim: Can't say I blame her. Learning that your kid nearly drowned at the place you work... It'd terrify anyone. 

Alessa: Well, on the plus side, we reunited mother and daughter and changed the origins of this story to be better. 

Heather: Hold on. "Origins"? 

Mutasim: Yeah, the only reason there's nothing scary around is because this was Jessica's origins.

Heather: And the Book of Nightmares is supposed to hold stories about the most dangerous and sinister creatures... But I don't understand how Jessica could turn into one. I mean... She's so innocent. 

Mutasim: Anything could happen. Cmon, let's go see how they're doing. 

Heather and I returned to the fireplace and saw Jessica and her mother hugging each other. 

Woman: There. There. Its okay. Mommy's got you. 

Heather smiled a little, her heart warming at the sight of the mother and daughter. 

Heather: I guess we made this a happy ending, right? 

Mutasim: Yeah. But... If she really was meant to drown... What happens to the rest of the story? Does it mean her killer self never existed? 

Heather: Maybe... So what now? How do we get out of here? 

Mutasim: No idea. Maybe we can-

Cutting me off, a burst of light blinded all of us, forcing us to raise our arms to protect our eyes. I let out a slight yell, scared and confused about what was happening. However, the light vanished almost instantly just like as soon as it appeared. Lowering my arms, I searched my surroundings, only to discover that I was back in the forest. A frown came to my face. 

Mutasim: What the...? We're back in the forest? 

Alessa: And Heather's not here. 

I looked around, realising Alessa was right. Heather wasn't here. Great... So now we were all separated again! Why can't things just go our way for once?! Annoyed, I rubbed the back of my head while looking around the forest. It was dark out here and dead silent. No moonlight shone down, leaving us in nearly complete darkness. I sighed and shook my head. 

Mutasim: Let's just keep moving forward until we find a cabin. 

Alessa: Yep, sounds good to me. 

The two of us began walking forward in the damp and chilling woods. It was an eerie atmosphere, almost like something you'd see in a classic horror film. Dark skies, deathly cold breeze, complete silence and walking through a forest all alone. All that was missing was discovering a dead body. As Alessa and I walked, we began to talk about the recent events. 

Book of Nightmares (Horror Females x Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now