Demon and Man

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Mutasim P.O.V

???: Well... Its certainly been a long while since I could talk to someone. Face-to-face.

A girl's voice spoke out as I slowly woke up. Despite my body feeling fatigue, I didn't feel like I was in any pain from the monster I faced. Slowly, I pushed myself up to my feet, opening my eyes. As I got up, I immediately noticed my surroundings. I was in some kind of rusted and bloodied circular chamber of some kind. The walls were corroded with blood, body parts, barbed wires and some other revolting substances. Hell, even the floor was covered in the same shit! 

???: Still... Not all company is welcome. 

Hearing the voice again, I spun around behind me, only to see a young teenage girl with short black hair and dressed in a blue dress. 

Girl: So... Who are you? Friendly? Or like the rest of the scum of Silent Hill? 

Mutasim: I left Silent Hill to get away from the cult. I only came back for Heather. 

Something about this girl seemed... familiar. And her presence just gave me the chills. Before I could say anything else, she let slip a small smile. 

Girl: Well... I don't know many who'd go out of their way to come back to Hell for a friend. But... I guess that's where you're different from everyone else, Mutasim. 

Mutasim: How do you know me? 

Girl: Oh I know just about everything there is to know. Born and raised in Silent Hill, "chosen by the prophecies" to be a father of God, and the endless torment you endured. Sounds familiar, doesn't it? I know the feeling all too well. After all, I went through the exact same thing. Except I was meant to be God's mother. 

My eyes widened as I realised who the girl standing in front of me was. 

Mutasim: No... You're... Alessa Gillespie?!

The black haired girl smiled and nodded, answering my question. 

Alessa: In the flesh. Or at least... In a more "appealing" flesh. 

Mutasim: But

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Mutasim: But... If I'm here... With you... Does that mean I'm dead? Or in Hell? 

Alessa: Hmm... Wellllllll... Not exactly. Let's just say I dragged you here before that monster killed you. I couldn't just let you die so easily, could I? 

Mutasim: Wait. Wait. Wait. YOU saved ME?! Why? 

Alessa: Because I think we can help each other out. See... As we speak right now, the cult are reading from something called the Book of Nightmares. Entities that are meant to be fiction, but will be brought into reality if the spell is completed. I've been trying to stop it, but all the monsters under my control can't enter the church. But neither can the cult's monsters. So what I need... Is someone who wants to stop the cult, host my spirit and powers. Someone like you.

Book of Nightmares (Horror Females x Male OC)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora