Chapter 21

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"Well then, we're leaving." I was surprised when Sasuke spoke just beside me. I looked at him in uncertainty for a few seconds before he grabbed my wrist and practically dragged me out of the place without my consent. Konan and Yahiko were left behind slightly gaping at the both of us. I wasn't even able to apologize for my earlier behavior, not to mention say I was already forgiving them.

"S-Sasuke!" I voiced when his hold on me was getting really tight. "Let go!"

"No way." He simply said as he dragged me inside his house once again.

I was struggling the whole time but I had the decency to not shout in the middle of the street while everyone was most likely already asleep. "What's wrong with you!? You asked me to leave so suddenly and then now you're dragging me back here by force!?"

He finally let go when we're already inside the living room. He turned to look at me. "I already called your house. I told them you'll be staying the night here."

"Wha–? Why did you do that!?" I asked in both exasperation and confusion.

"...Because we need to talk." He said before he took my wrist again. I growled when he dragged me onto the second floor where his room was.

I was confused and exhausted from all the things that happened tonight so I didn't have much patience anymore, especially since the words I told him earlier were still weighing heavily in my heart. I said those words in his very room... And now he'd dragged me back to his room once more. "There's nothing to talk about." I voiced coldly. He already told me his definition of a lover wasn't the same as mine. He also implicitly told me that he had no feelings for me. And yet I still confessed to him. That was my fault. He didn't have to talk to me about it because I knew I was rejected anyway. And on top of it all, he didn't have to console me.

I knew my voice was cold and indifferent but it seemed Sasuke was already too used to it to even care. Or maybe he was just a bastard since he acted like he heard nothing. He readied some clothes while I stood awkwardly by the doorway of his bedroom.

I didn't know what to feel anymore. First, he got angry at me when I tried to be honest with him, even going to the extreme of taking my words literally. Then he asked me to leave, and quite coldly at that. And yet, he appeared in the park just when I was trying to spill my heart out to those two. And finally, he dragged me back here by force despite my protests.

I arched an eyebrow at him when he gave me a pair of pants and a shirt. "What is this for?" I refused to take it but he pushed it onto my chest so I had no choice but to hold onto the clothes.

"You can also wear your uniform in your sleep if you want." He said with a straight face and I immediately glared at him. My glare softened a bit when I finally realized that he had those dark eyes again. I didn't know what to make of it anymore. It's like he's hurting a lot but he's keeping it all bottled up inside him... And I didn't have the slightest idea why he seemed so upset. It couldn't be because of my rejection, right? It's not like he loved me anyway. And it couldn't also possibly be because of my confession, right? I should be the one upset about it and not him.

I sighed as I tried to calm myself down. We stood there in the middle of the room in awkward silence for a while before I finally talked since I couldn't bear the tension anymore. It was also with a much calmer voice that I asked him. "So... what are we supposed to talk about...?"

"That can wait later." The bastard actually had the gall to say something like that when I really gathered up the courage to finally ask him what we had to talk about. Gah, annoying!! And yet... I was starting to feel myself warm up from the mere thought of Sasuke not wanting to end the night with the two of us not on good terms. That fact alone had managed to make the intense pain I felt in my heart subside a little. Sasuke went out of his way to really go outside his house and look for me... It was a bit touching...

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