Chapter 2

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Okay, this was weird. Everyone kept on taking glances in my direction. Was I too paranoid or did they really look like they pitied me or something. Maybe it was just me. But hey, one could never be sure. Maybe they thought I am a new face and thus be very well-liked by the bullies in school. Well, that could be extremely annoying.

And so I walked in the corridors, trying my best to ignore the stares. Maybe if I glared at them hard enough they would stop? Yeah, right. Or they would punch me in the face without any word.

I scratched my nape as I walked. I was getting self-conscious and these f*cking–, I mean that's a bad word right? So... these 'annoying' students were looking at me. I hate it when people look at me like I am a rare creature or an endangered species.

I noticed that the number of girls was really not very large. I could see at least ten male students before I saw one female. It seemed the rumor about the number of girls was true after all, though it seemed there was just a slight miscalculation in the ratio. But I am not interested in girls so I just kept my focus on the map I was holding, feeling slightly embarrassed that I needed it to navigate in the school. But in fairness, the school was a lot bigger and more decent-looking than I originally thought.

And of course, I was kind of late when I arrived in the classroom that I was supposed to have my first class. I opened the door, ready to apologize to the teacher for being late, when I was greeted by, well, what did you expect, a fight. There was no teacher and a fight was going on at the front, just beside the teacher's table.

A teen, obviously a freshman like me because of the color of his necktie which was green, with an overly large and long scarf was fighting a senior student, one with silver hair and violet lipstick. Oh, he's so gay. And why was a third-year student inside a first-year classroom anyway? Needless to say, when I opened the door, all attention went to me and the two figures fighting kind of stared at me. Oh, Naruto, what a way to get everyone's attention.

I just looked at them, not knowing what to do.

"Well? Are you getting inside or what?" The freshman asked quite bluntly. So that's what Orochimaru said about the attitude. I see. And so I walked in the classroom, with all eyes glued onto me, and sat at the very back of the room. Thankfully there was an empty seat. Actually, there were a lot of empty seats. I just didn't want to seat anywhere near the fighting males.

"New kid." The older male smirked. He's quite good-looking, really, except for the violet lipstick part. Maybe if it were pink or carnation... oh what was I thinking?

"Oy, Sakon, are you sure you want to fight a kid? That's a waste of time!" A second male entered the room and oh hell, he looked just like the guy whose name was Sakon. And he had lipstick too. Maybe they were twins.

The guy named Sakon smirked. "There are two of us now, kid. Are you still going to fight or are you going to start begging for your life?"

Wow, I didn't expect to hear such strong words in a classroom setting. This really was the school of thugs. The kid looked like he still wanted to fight, but seeing as he was short on manpower, he knelt on one knee and bowed. Oh, how unmanly. I'd rather fight the two of them than kneel in front of an enemy and beg for forgiveness, especially because that Sakon guy didn't look like he was the type to forgive so easily. The other Sakon, I mean his twin, kind of smirked at the scene and I knew they both enjoyed it so much.

As for me, I am not the type to pry in a fight that wasn't mine to start with. Yeah, criticize me if you want but I wouldn't go there and stop those two third years from doing anything. It's just wasn't me if I start playing hero now. And so I watched along with everyone else just as the kid was kicked on his back repeatedly. Yeah, I was not the hero type, but I was not heartless either to not feel anger towards that Sakon guy. They already won the fight. Why the hell should they still step on the other guy's dignity?

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