Chapter 1

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This story was centered on me, of course, the main character! Just kidding!

This story was centered on Konoha Gakuen, a public school where only a fourth of the population comprised of females. One would think that there was something off about this. Actually, there was. Normally, females would want to study in a school where there were so many cool and strong guys and everything. But this school was different. And I'm about to tell you all what it was so listen carefully!

This school was rumored to have more in-school fighting than there were classes. Oh, yeah! Just how I like that! Not the fighting of course but the part where there were lesser classes because of it. And because of that rumor, which was true I think, Konoha Gakuen had the lowest of the lowest school rating in the city of Konoha and also the most notorious school in the community. Thus, it was where the gangsters and hoodlums studied and it was where they also learn how to be more of a hoodlum than a civil individual. Yep, this was the place where the notorious captions 'survival of the fittest' or 'kill or be killed' could be found, though I was just a little bit exaggerating about the last part. So far, no one had died yet.

"And you want to study in this godforsaken school!? Are you already out of your mind!?" A blonde middle-aged man exclaimed over a table filled with delicious delicacies that could only be found inside that house. Ah, he's my father, Minato Namikaze. And he's not angry, don't worry. I'm still safe in my seat, for now. He thought that me studying in that school was a bit preposterous. No, that's an understatement. He thought, as you've heard, that I was already out of my mind. I know, I know, you all thought so too.

But hey, you couldn't really blame me! You see, I had an ulterior motive as to why I wanted to go there. Did you want me to tell you the reason? The ultimate secret reason? No? It's your loss. But I still wanted to tell you, so listen.

Well, you see, I have a lover... Yes, that's it! Blush for me, all of you! Yeah, I have a lover! He's the coolest guy ever! And I thought he's the most handsome man alive! And his body, oh his body, when naked–, okay, let's not go there. He studied there, you know, in Konoha Gakuen. And yeah, I'm gay, for those who bowed to my obvious charm. And so, he studied there, or he's supposed to be studying there. But for some reason, he refused to go to that school anymore. And he didn't even want to go out of his house and he refused to see me. We couldn't even go out and have a date! Yeah, I know it's quite a pathetic reason for me. But yes, pity me!

And so, I've decided. I would go and study in his school to convince him that there was nothing to be afraid of in a school full of gangsters and gang wars where the praise 'kill or be killed' was quite popular. Yep, nothing to be afraid of! Though I thought I was trembling for some unknown reason. Maybe it's the cold weather.

"So?" Oh, I forgot my father. He's looking at me from across the table as if he'd strangle me if I continue with my plan. Those sharp blue eyes which I inherited could be really scary when filled with authority and cold glare. Oh, don't look at me like that, Chichi-ue! I'd lose my resolve!

"I still want to study there, Chichi-ue." I answered. My father did not answer though. And I knew he's upset. I could feel the guilt eating my intestines, but it wouldn't stop me! I have about 7.5-meter length intestines and it would take a week or two before it's dissolved completely! He knew he couldn't stop me either.

"But Naruto, why would you suddenly decide that you want to go and study there? Your school is one of the most elite schools in the country." A ringing voice from across the room said. I turned around and saw my mother, Kushina Namikaze, carrying some more trays of food. She really was the best cook, ever. And she's the most beautiful woman I've ever seen, what with her bright crimson hair and everything. "Is it because of Yahiko?" And not only was she pretty, she's quite sharp too.

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