Chapter 16

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"What did you say?" My eyebrows furrowed at that.

"I said you should just transfer back to your old school." Nagato repeated his words with utter coldness.

I was currently in my room this fine Sunday morning, reading a book. Or rather, I was supposed to be reading it if only aniki didn't enter my room without permission and said what he said just now. The statement came from nowhere so I couldn't understand why he told me that.

"What do you mean?" I asked, starting to feel annoyed. This topic was so old now that I didn't think he'd still bring it up.

Nagato's eyes narrowed as he towered over me. "You know very well what I mean, Naruto." He crossed his arms over his chest. "You were so disciplined and righteous back when you were in a different school. Now all you do is fight, hang outside with your gang, and even date another guy." And he continued to rant about my so-called current behavior.

I closed the book I was reading at that. Somehow, the topic about Sasuke coming up from his mouth annoyed me a lot. I didn't know why but it really felt like he just slapped me. And my first reaction was to get angry and throw different insults about how he was the same and how he was trying to rule my life. And I did just that.

I said many harsh words I knew I'd regret. I told him how other people saw him and his gang. "Do you even know how other students see you? Do you even know what they talk about you, the Red Knight?" My voice was even but the tone was deadly enough to surprise him. "They say you're the most cold-blooded and heartless person in existence!"

"Naruto–" He was about to begin but I cut him off.

"And besides, I've already told you that Sasuke and I weren't like that at all. But you still think that way even now. You don't even believe what I say. Also, there's nothing wrong with dating another guy, is there?" I asked. "I dated that bastard Yahiko and you were totally okay with it! Is it because Yahiko is your friend? Can I only date someone if he has to become your friend first?"

"Naruto, I didn't–" He started again but I cut him off for the second time.

"You know, aniki, you're a demanding and bossy aniki who only wants nothing but to rule my life as if you own it. You just don't want me to be happy!" All those words added with some curses here and there and the result was the shocked expression he wore now as I trembled on the bed in anger.

"Naruto–" He tried again for the third time.

"Just... just get out of my room, aniki." I said quietly.

I averted my gaze because I couldn't stand the shocked look he was giving me as well as the pain in his wide eyes. It was the first time I answered him in such a way. I knew he's only concerned about my well-being but it hurt me when he thought that what I was doing was worthless. I wasn't happy in my previous school and I only went there because it was expected of me. I was happy now – having found new friends who were willing to stick with me through thick and thin – and yet he thought I'd become so worthless and lost all the good things I had. I felt as if he didn't want me to enjoy my teenage life at all.

He left the room quietly after that.

I bit my lower lip, deep regret filling my heart as I heard him enter his own room. Somehow, this Sunday was the worst Sunday in my life. I sighed as I tried to calm myself down. Aniki was such an idiot sometimes... and so was I.

I lay down on the bed and thought of why I didn't want to transfer back to Konoha Academy anymore. Was it because of Shikamaru and the others? Yes, they were one big factor. It's the first time I've had friends who really cared for me even though they knew I was a Namikaze. My previous friends only wanted to be close to me because of my family background. The friends I had now didn't care about those things at all. They told me what they thought without reserve and did what they wanted without any inhibition. They would laugh with me when I was happy and helped shoulder the pain when I was hurt. They've become such precious friends of mine in just a short time.

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