Contemplation For Andrew

Start from the beginning

I turned to her and locked eyes with her then said.

Andrew: I know you and the others is Power Rangers, now you don't have to worry Kim cause I can keep a secret.

She looked at me with shock on her face but quicky realized that I saw them de-morph, she sighed then said with relief in her voice.

Kimberly: I hated keeping that from you Andrew, It was killing me cause I never want to keep the truth from you.

I smiled at her knowing that she was telling the truth, ever since we were young we made a vow to eachother to never lie to one another, we sat there for a moment just smiling at eachother, I finally broke the silence.

Andrew: Kim, do you know all the truth about me?

She looked at me tilted her head then said.

Kimberly: You mean that Rita is your Grandmother and she wants you to join her and fulfill your destiny?

I looked at her dumbfounded, she really does know everything, well almost everything.

Andrew: That's not all of it though.

Kimberly: What else is there, are you like a werewolf or something?

She says as she laughs thinking she made a good joke, but in reality she almost nailed it, Then Zen-Dar spoke to me.

Zen-Dar: ( Well, well, well  she is a smart little bird isn't she?)

Andrew: ( You have no idea.)

I said with a small smirk then I turned back to her as she finished laughing, she looked at me seeing that I wasn't laughing then said.

Kimberly: Don't tell me you are.

Andrew: Well technically its partly true, you see, do remember when I told you and the gang that I came from a material arts school?

She nodded to me and stayed silent so I could continue, so I did.

Andrew: Well that School is call Phi Shwa, it specializes in connecting to the animal spirits that is in all of us and to awaken it to use it's power for good.

She looked at me then said.

Kimberly: Well Zordon told us about the Phi Shwa, and about the animal spirits.

She paused and I spoke.

Andrew: Yeah but my animal spirit is special, you know that my animal spirit has a piece of my grandfather in him but what you don't know is that my wolf spirit is a very powerful spirit that only comes around once maybe twice in a generation, and If the wrong people get ahold of me and extract my animal spirit they could do catastrophic damage  to the world, or even destroy it.

She looked at me with a wide mouth then said.

Kimberly: Your animal spirit is that powerful?

Andrew: Yes it is, after all my lineage is powerful.

She nods at that knowing that I was right then see asked me a question that turned my stomach upside down.

Kimberly: So...... If they take your animal spirit........

I nodded at her knowing what she was trying to say so I confirmed it while looking ahead of me with a grave face.

Andrew: Yeah, it will kill me because all the power that would be taken from me would take all my life energy and seal my soul to the person who took Zen-Dar from me.

I turn to her to see her literally in tears so I immediately grab her and hold her close to me with her head on my chest, we just sit there in eachother embrace while I try to sooth her with words of reassurance.

After about 10 minutes she calmed down then looked at me with determination on her eyes then spoke.

Kimberly: I won't let no one take you from m... us from us.

She got red again barley catching what she was going to say I just smiled at her and she did the same, as we looked at eachother I just realized in all the years I've known her, her brown eyes were actually hazel and without thinking I said.

Andrew: You got the most beautiful eyes Kim.

I realized what I said right after I said it and my eyes got big and I panicked, but all she did was get redder in the face and said.

Kimberly: ( Blushing ) Y- You R- Really think so?

I thought for a moment then decided to just go with it.

Andrew: Yeah I mean it.

After I said that we slowly bagun to lean into eachother lips apart only by meer inches then I spoke in a whisper.

Andrew: Do you really want to do this?

Kimberly didn't say nothing, she just closed the distance we had between eachother and out lips met, to say there was fireworks would be an understatement, it was like a atom bomb being dropped, it was pure Bliss, we stayed like that for a while until we had to part for air then we said at the same time.

Kim/Andrew: Wow, that was amazing.

We looked at eachother and just chuckled cause we said the same exact thing, then her communicatior went off she gave me an apologetic smile then answered it.

Kimberly: Go ahead Zordon.

Zordon: Kimberly, please come to the command center another one of Ritas monsters has been spotted at the edge of town.

When Zordon said that I got a bad feeling In my gut, I was right she won't change.

Kimberly looked at me and knew what I was thinking heck she always does.

Kimberly: I'm on my way Zordon.

She ends the call then turns to me, she takes her hand and gently grabs my chin to meet our eyes then she said.

Kimberly: It's going to be ok, I know she's familia but you and I also the others to, she may change but then again maybe she won't, no matter what we will be there for you, always.

After she said that I took my hands and put them on her cheeks and kissed her lips again but I knew she had to go so I let her go, she got up and asked Alpha to teleport her to command, leaving me to think about what just happened.

[ Kimberly's POV ]

As soon as I teleported to the command center I couldn't stop thinking about me and Andrew's kisses we shared, it was our first kiss and literally my first kiss every and I know it was his to, but I was brought out of my thoughts by the others teleported in, as soon as they were settled and we got our information on the monster I spoke up.

Kimberly: Before we go guys there's something you need to know.

They all turn towards me in confusion then I said with a small smirk.

Kimberly: Guys, Andrew knows.

Jason steps up to me and asked.

Jason: He knows what?

The others step up next to Jason as I said.

Kimberly: He Knows we are the Power Rangers.

( To Be Continued)

Sorry about the cliffhanger 😏.

How will the others take the news?

What will Zordon think?

What side will Andrew pick?

Feedback is appreciated.

This is Skooter137 signing off till next time 🤘.

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