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—Look, do you expect the master to cater to you all the time? Yes, it's true he brought you here against your will... but I don't just belong to this household, I'm the master's servant. You should have the common sense to go to him on yer own, instead of waiting for the master to call. — The old man said. — Don't behave like a spoiled child, now. —

So, that's why she stood in front of the Master's chambers, with a painting in her hand. She softly knocked on the door, expecting the Master to answer, but a young man she recognized as one of the multiple men Lord Seungho slept with answered it instead.

—What are you doing here? — He asked, genuine surprise in his features.But, next time he spoke he said something alarming. — Why are you still alive?

She didn't know how to react to that, so she just stared, her mouth slightly open.

—Hah... Jiwha, that lazy sod... — He murmured.

—...Sir — [Y/N] asked.

—Nothing. Never mind, you have not heard a thing. —He said, in a rush. He then grabbed the painting she had in her hand. — So what is it then? Are you here to paint? — He looked at it and was surprised, —Oh... what is this, Lord Yoon? I imagined you were practicing some restraint for a while, but it seems you were up to all sorts of fun while you weren't with seeing us! — He smiled as a hand came from behind him and grabbed his face gently. — and with this woman here, at that... —

His face was whisked away into a kiss, by none other than Lord Yoon.

[Y/N] blushed and saw them, her mouth partly open in shock.

Their tongues danced in front of her and the man from before relished in it. A string of saliva connecting their mouths.

Then, the door was closed forcefully in front of her face, the drawing falling to her feet. She walked away, dejected.

—....He truly is a mystery. Now that I've made up my mind to let go of all else and remain here... He won't even look at my paintings...but gazes at me with an unreadable expression. —

She walked to her bedroom, through the snowy landscape that covered the Yoon state. She was sulking, and her shoulders were down.

—What do I know? If anything, I should feel more at ease, now that he's lost interest in me... But why...? —

The door creaked open, revealing Deok-Jae inside her room, trashing everything.

—Dammit! — He said, as he realized he got caught.

[Y/N] could only stare, her eyes wide.


—In her paintings, she looks quite salacious. That girl, [Y/N]. — Said the man from earlier, smoking some opium. — Why did you send him away? Seeing as she showed up with a completed painting, despite the fact that you never called for her... she must have rushed over in excitement to join in the party, no? — He finished, taking another smoke.

No one said anything, especially Lord Yoon, who remained silent as the man in front of him undid his pants, ready to suck his cock.

—Ha... Where is the Yoon Seungho notorious for welcoming anyone who comes to him? What is this tepid response? It had struck me as strange for a while now. Since when are you so possessive? The Yoon Seungho I used to know did not draw petty lines. Why do you hide that low-born as if she is some precious treasure? Is that girl special to you? — He smirked.

Yoon Seungho stood up, and he spoke, —Very well, then. If that lowborn is what you want... Fine. Let us enjoy him together. — He smiled, as his eyebrows furrowed.


—Since when are you so possessive? —

—Is that girl special to you?—

Lord Seungho panted in the cold, and remembered what she had said.

—We are just two naked bodies. There is no need for us to share what's on our minds. —

—Special? What nonsense. — He told himself. Was he saying that or was he trying to convince himself of it?

Then, a scream was heard, and Yoon Seungho stopped in his tracks. He looked in the direction it had come from, and a pit formed in his stomach.


—Ahh.. ngh... — She panted in pain, as Deok-Jae hurted her by grabbing her wrist harshly.

—This not enough for ya? Still wanna stay? — He said, venom laced in his voice. — When we're told to watch ya, you run away, and now that I wish you'd leave, you dig in your heels, huh... —

—Th-That hurts... Let go...!! — [Y/N] pleaded.

—It hurts? My eyes've gone to shit 'cause of you. This is nothing compared to what I went through.

—Ack! Angh! — She almost screamed in pain as now he was bending her fingers at unusual and painful angles.

—Haha! Listen to yourself. You sound the way you do in the master's room. If I broke your hand and you had to stop painting, you could just peddle ass in the street. You know it, don't ya? How everyone's saying that's how you seduced the master. Sure, you have a pretty face. I bet you'll be popular. All sorts of men will be asking after ya, asking to have a taste of that infamous ho- — He was shut up by someone suddenly hitting him in the face.

That someone being Lord Yoon Seungho.

—My-My Lord! —

Then he started hitting him more.


And more...

—Do you... —

And more...

—Think you are... —

And one more time.

—To put your hands on her? —

—My Lord... please...— She got in the middle of the two, receiving one of his hits, but she did the unthinkable. She hugged him.

—My Lord, please, please stop, sir... He'll die if you keep going. —

—Oh, come on now. I was quite enjoying the show. Why'd you have to put an end to it? Just as I expected however... I was right. This lowborn, [Y/N], clings to you, and you stop just like that? You are not the sort to stop simply because someone asks you to... —

He grabbed [Y/N] and kissed her deeply.

Lord Seungho's eyes widened and he smacked the shit out of Lord Min.

Lord Min, instead of being upset, he began laughing hysterically.

—So you do have feelings for her? You like her, that lowborn, you do! —


Sorry for not updating, college has been kicking my ass lately, and of course, this chapter is a little bit shorter, but I just wanted to update and remind ya'll that I'm still alive. :D Anyways, enjoy! 

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