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As the chatter and bustle filled [Y/N]'s ears, it was clear that the night market was going to be difficult to traverse, she could only hope she didn't get lost in the crowd.

She admired the food stands and the vendors; she thought they were admirable, as she could never deal with so many people everyday.

Suddenly, she felt someone grab her wrist and take her towards an alleyway, where she was pushed against a wall.

She looked up to see Sir In-Hun standing there.

-Sir...Sir In-Hun? - She asked the man, whose breathing seemed to be ragged, as his chest violently went up and down.

-I need your help. - Was all he could say.

-My-My help? What for, my learned Sir? - She asked, a slight blush in her cheeks. They were close, too close for comfort.

-I need you to spy on Lord Seungho and find a weakness. - He confessed.

-A weakness...? - [Y/N] asked, confused.

-Yes, It doesn't matter what it is. It could be who he sleeps with, what he says. What he likes and dislikes. Find out everything, however trivial, and report it all back to me. - He began walking back and forth in the alleyway.

-How could I possibly...- She was interrupted by Sir In-Hun, who grabbed her shoulders forcefully and pinned her against the wall.

-You paint for him, do you not? - He began raising his voice. - Which means you are by Yoon Seungho's side every night, are you not? -

-...- [Y/N]'s eyes began to dwell with tears, as she cried every time someone raised their voice at her.

Sir In-Hun huffed, his hot breath making her skin tingle. He then slowly laid his head against her chest.

-I am sorry, [Y/N]... For my anger several days ago, and the way I am behaving with you now... You likely do not comprehend the situation at hand... I understand. - His voice sounded like he was about to break.

[Y/N] thought -This is the first time I have ever seen my teacher like this...-

Then he continued -But to explain everything to you now... is too difficult. -

He regained his composure, and looked down at her with sorrow in his eyes.

-...Are you disappointed in me?-

-No, No, Sir... I am not disappointed. - She blushed, looking up at his eyes. She always felt embarrassed to look people in the eyes, especially if it was sir In-Hun.

-You said you wished you could help me, didn't you? You must help me, [Y/N], in a different way. -He kissed her fingers, and looked her in the eyes while doing so, something new in them. Something [Y/N], in her innocence, couldn't recognize.

-So that's where you were, young girl! - The servant she had befriended during her stay at the Yoon state appeared out of nowhere. - Looked for you everywhere. I was all shook up thinking you'd disappeared. - He grabbed her small hand and said: -The master is waiting for you in the pavilion. -


Seungho laughed loudly, as he stared down at the painting [Y/N] had made.

-The painting you've been carrying around because you were afraid someone might see... is this? - He asked, looking over the details of the piece.

The drawing was of Seungho on top of her, naked, kissing her.

-You have quite a vivid imagination, it seems. - To say he was content would be an understatement, as the painting had made him so happy he could barely contain his smile. In fact, the painting gave him such a rush of adrenaline, that he grabbed her hanbok, and smashed his lips against hers.

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