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After last night, [Y/N] had finished painting the scene of the threesome and contemplated when to give it to Lord Seungho, as she had run away from him when he requested to see it last night. But, in her defense, she needed some release herself, so she had spent some time masturbating in her room, making as little noise as possible as to not have Lord Seungho busting into her room.

She had woken up early and was now still staring at the painting, mulling over it, as if it was a burden she had to carry.

It was then she decided she needed to do something, so she went to the courtyard. The bright rays of the sun hit her directly on the face, making her rub her eyes and hide them with her palm.

—[Y/N]! — She heard a familiar voice call.

—Sir In-Hun! — She beamed at his presence.

—I was about to take a walk. Would you join me?— He smiled with his eyes closed.

And so, there they were, [Y/N] and her precious Sir In-Hun, walking through the courtyard.

—I was truly astonished yesterday, sir. —She rubbed the back of her neck. — I'd never imagined I'd see you here. —

—Oh? I am rather disappointed. I was quite looking forward to coming here. — He smiled again, he seemed to never stop smiling when he was with [Y/N] a thing she had noticed, and liked about him. — To seeing you, [Y/N] —

—I- I feel the same way! — Exclaimed [Y/N], a light flush appearing in her cheeks.

—Feel what? What do you mean? — Sir In-Hun asked in confusion.

—Oh... I only mean that I am happy to see you sir...— She blushed, the red tint spreading to all her face.

They continued walking until they reached a small wooden canopy, where they both sat and enjoyed the gentle breeze that passed through the Yoon state.

—But, are you not afraid, sir? — [Y/N] began.

—Of what?

—Of Lord Seungho, sir... Isn't he known in this region for his changing moods and violent character? A few days ago he even cut his own servant with- — She was interrupted when Sir In-Hun abruptly stood up and began shouting at her.

—[Y/N]! A low-born such as yourself, slandering a noble? How dare you disregard propriety? When did you acquire such vulgar habits? — He was very concerned and his voice was as strong as ever.

—I'm- I'm sorry Sir In-Hun... — She apologized.

—Nevermind, I worry more for you, [Y/N]. — He sat back down next to her again.

—For me, sir? —

—I have already heard the rumors of Yoon Seungho and his notoriety in this region. I have heard that every day he commits sodomy with a different man. — His thick eyebrows furrowed, making his face look handsome to [Y/N]

—Oh... — Was all [Y/N] could say, as she didn't want her learned Sir to know that she had witnessed said sodomy happening. — I'm a woman, he won't show any interest in me. — She declared confidently.

He then grabbed her hand tightly, observing her ink-tainted fingertips. —I will not ask how you came to stay here. —

[Y/N] looked at her hands, realizing she had failed to scrub all the ink off of her fingers, and that there were some leftovers. She stared at her fingertips, only beating herself up for being so careless about hiding her nightly work to her learned sir.

— ...Yet, to think of you, who once sold paintings of sodomy... living with such a known sodomite... well, it is disagreeable, or perhaps troubling to me.

[Y/N] looked down at her feet in shame. She had disappointed her teacher, and that deeply stung. It hurt because she wanted nothing more in the world than his approval and admiration.

—Surely... — He put his hand under her chin and tilted her head for her to look at him. — You are still not painting such indecent images? — He asked, voice soft and sweet like honey. — You do not do things that I dislike, isn't that true, [Y/N]? I trust you.

—Yes- Yes, Sir In-Hun. — She blushed.


[Y/N] returned to her room and found herself able to relax again. She closed her eyes and let out a big sigh, and let mind run free, until her feet touched something wet on the floor. She opened her eyes and looked at a puddle of water on the room's floor.

That's when she saw it.

It was her painting, but the water had diluted the pigment of the paint used in it, and the ink had become runny, damaging every single stroke.

[Y/N]'s face had become pale, and her eyes had gone wide and round like plates.

That's when she heard the door unlock, and saw Lord Seungho standing there.

She was anxious, sweating as Lord Seungho grabbed the painting. He only observed it, well, what used to be the painting she had made for him the night prior.

—What happened to it? — He asked, his voice wasn't but above a whisper.

—I'm not sure what happened either, my Lord. I went for a walk and when I came back this is what I found. —

—...— Silence, and then, — Who came into this room today? —

—As far as I know, no one, my Lord. — Answered the servant.

—Well... — Another servant spoke up. — I did see Sir Jung In-Hun wandering about the yard. —

—It wasn't Sir In-Hun! — [Y/N] shouted. — Sir In-Hun was with me all morning, and no matter what, he is not the sort of man who'd do such a thing! — She exclaimed. — Please my Lord, you must believe me! — She pleaded.

—You little sneak... you've been refusing to paint for me all this time. Is this not one of your tricks? — Seungho asked, side-eyeing [Y/N]

She was about to protest, but she remembered her learned Sir's words.

"I trust you."

—You won't speak for yourself? — He said in a low and stern voice. — You insist on going to such lengths to avoid painting? —

[Y/N] didn't respond.

So he slapped the shit out of her.

Her body crashed with that of a servant, making both of them fall to the ground with a loud "THUD!"

—I... I don't want to paint, my Lord. — She cried, tears falling down her cheeks onto the floor. — Instead, — She began, — I will do anything else that you ask of me, my Lord. — She looked pitiful, really, crying and clinging to Lord Seungho's robes like a child.

—If I have the power to bring Jung In-Hun into a government post, can you not see that I also have the power to ruin him, ensure that he will not be able to work as a teacher in the countryside? — He lowered himself to be on [Y/N]'s level. — I have made allowances for you time and time again. It sees you have decided to take advantage of how much I enjoy your paintings. — He got closer and closer to her, making her whole body tremble in fear. — Both you and Jung In-Hun should remember that you live under my roof now. — He continued to get closer and closer to her face. — Even if either of you were discovered drowned in a well, or ended up in the woods as food for tigers... — Their faces were now inches closer.

—There is not a single man who would suspect me. — He finished his speech, as he let go of her face.

She sobbed and wept for what felt like an eternity.

—Do you understand that you must be punished? —

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