A Normal Morning.... Or is it?

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(Here the first chapter. Sorry it's so short, but I'm starting off small and see where it goes. Enjoy!)

Things had been slowly going well ever since the Shellfire fiasco. With Viggo and Ryker gone, the dragon hunters have been in disarray for not having a leader. In summary; they were no longer a threat. The Dragon Riders have been working hard in rebuilding the Edge and after a few weeks, the Riders have decided to take a break and spend a few days on Berk to relax.

Hiccup yawns as he gets out of bed, "Alright, bud. Let's get this day started." He says. Toothless groans and rolls onto his back instead of getting up. Hiccup stands up from his bed and stretches his arms then adjusts his rider gear, "I know, bud." Hiccup says, "But we have to do something other than lye on the ground all day." He argues. He adjusts his prosthetic and, after some mild complaining, Toothless gets up and stretches to wake himself up. The two have breakfast then walk out of the house. They then go for a fly around the island and enjoy the breeze. "Hey, Hiccup!" Hiccup looks back to find Astrid approaching him and Toothless on Stormfly. "Hey, Astrid. How's it going?" He calls out to her. Toothless and Stormfly side-by-side as their riders talk, "Fine. Well, except for the fact that there was a mysterious crate appearing out of nowhere." She says, her face and voice serious.

Hiccup then becomes serious at her words and follows her to the arena. Once they arrive, they find Fishlegs protecting the crate from the twins. "For the last time; No." Fishlegs says. "Oh, come on! Let us see what's in it!" Tuffnut complains. "Yeah, who knows what untold wonders lay within this crate of wonders." Ruffnut adds. "Okay, that's enough." Hiccup says. The twins reluctantly move away from Fishlegs. "Oh, finally. Now that our 'great' leader is here, we can finally find out what's in this thing." Snotlout says, standing up from where he was laying against Hookfang. "Thanks." Hiccup replies sarcastically at Snotlout's sentence.

He walks up to Fishlegs and stands beside him as he looks down at the mysterious crate. "So, what is it?" He asks. "We're not sure. It doesn't have anything on it, no seal nor insignia, and it was found near the village." Fishlegs answers. "Okay, let's open it and see what exactly is in this." Hiccup says. Astrid walks over and brings out a knife as she uses it to open the top of the crate. Fishlegs takes a few steps back as Hiccup grabs the lid and slowly opens it. He looks in it and raises a brow as he puts down the lid and grabs a container. He shakes it a little and hears some liquid splash around in it.

"So, what is it?" Snotlout asks. Hiccup looks down at all the containers and find some with some parchment attached to them and had some symbols written on them. "I don't know. I can't read what's written in them. Fishlegs, can you?" Hiccup asks. The large young man walks over and grabs a container, bringing up for him to look at it. He squints at the writing to try and understand it, "Nope. I have never seen anything involving these symbols" he answers, lowering the container back into the crate. Toothless walks over and sniffs the crate. "Well, we shouldn't take any chances. This stuff could be dangerous." Astrid states. "Which makes it all the more exciting~" Ruffnut says, having a sinister smile on her face. "Correct you are, my dear sister." Tuffnut agrees.

"Okay, I will take this back to my house until we can get it safely inspected." Hiccup says, putting the container he had back in the crate and puts the lid on it. "What?! Come on, how come you get to keep it?" Snotlout complains, frowning as he crosses his arms. "Look, we don't know what this stuff even is. So it will be better to play it safe." Hiccup clears. "So, once it is 'safe', we can play with them?" Tuffnut asks. Hiccup only gives him a deadpan look. He sighs, "Look, let's be patient. Astrid, can you go get Gothi?" He says. "Sure." Astrid responds.

Once everything was settled, Hiccup got on Toothless as the two fly off and Astrid heads off on Stormfly to get Gothi. Fishlegs goes with her on Meatlug while the twins and Snotlout stay behind at the arena. But what they did not know was that someone was watching them the entire time. "Shoot." They whisper, their (E/C) eyes following the auburn-haired man and the Night Fury. "Looks like I'm gonna have to do some breaking and entering today." The whisper to themselves then a (F/C) glow emits from their hands as their entire body vanishes.

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