Start from the beginning

"Hey Katsuki" I say

"Yeah?" He says looking at me

I raise my phone to show him the photo

"WHAT THE HELL!? HOW DID YOU GET THAT!?" He shouts as his face turns red

"I have sources" I chuckle




And he starts chasing me. Thank god the serum gives me faster speed. He doesn't catch me and I'm able to catch a train and I leave before Katsuki. He starts blowing up my phone with curses and threats. I just smirk at them.

I missed this...


Once I get home I take a shower and get ready to go to Hakamata's apartment. After the shower I change into an outfit. It consists of a dark red hoodie, black jeans, a belt with a chain, and some air forces. I do my hair, grab my phone and keys and leave the apartment complex.

Walking down the street I get a call from Nick.

"You need something?" I ask in a hushed voice hurrying down the sidewalk

"I'm just calling you to let you know that since you were begging to get back into the hero life, you are now able to work in Japan. I will send you your patrol schedule and other things."

"Wait really!? Thank you!"

"Just don't hurt yourself"

"I won't" I say as I hang up

When I get to the apartment I knock on the door. I'm welcomed by a-

"Bun Bun!" Rumi squeals

"I haven't seen you in so long!" She hugs me

We walk inside and Keigo captures me in a hug too.

"Baby bird!" He cheers

"Hey Keigo" I say and give him a peck on the cheek

He lets me down and I head to the kitchen. Hakamata is cooking and Toshinori is watching

"Hey" i say grabbing their attention

"Hello Y/n!" Toshinori greets me. He gives me a hug and ruffles my hair. Then Hakamata pats my head and continues cooking.

I set the table and the three sat down while I went to help Hakamata bring the food out. He made chicken for Keigo, sushi and Miso soup for the rest of us. During dinner we were just catching up about hero work and missions

"How has your mission been going Y/n?" Hakamata asks me

"It's been going good. I have some new news though. Fury called me earlier and said that I'm able to work here now but I haven't looked at my patrol schedule yet."



"That's great Y/n"

After dinner we started playing games. We were going to play Uno,Game of Life,Twister, Scrabble, and Monopoly. I'm scared about what will happen at the end of monopoly. Last time we played, let's just say it didn't end well for the table... or Keigo's face...

Today we are competing in two teams with Toshinori being the referee. Keigo chose me first so Rumi was with Hakamata. The first one was The Game of Life. Rumi Hakamata won that. Next was Uno. Uno and twister are the games I'm best at. I haven't lost a game since I was 4. We had a chain of plus twos going around and the chain stopped at me. Everyone stared to see if I had one. I placed down a plus two and looked at Rumi to see her throw her cards down


"Y/N!!!" Keigo hugged me

Next was scrabble.

We had some weird words like pneumonia, Alcatraz, and of course we had to reference Harry Potter so Avada Kedavra. Hakamata and Rumi won that one.

And after that was Twister. So easy. Toshinori is the spinner and I was going against Rumi. We ended up both wrapped in a pretzel and it was Rumi's turn.

"Left hand blue" Toshinori told her

Too reach blue she had to duck her hand under me and reach across the mat. In the end she fell so I won. I saw Keigo weeping in the corner since he wasn't allowed to play. His wings would get in the way. But as soon as I won he of course ran and hugged me. Then it was Monopoly. And you guessed it. The table was thrown out the window so no one won, but Keigo's face was spared this time. By the time we finished, it was 1 in the morning so I headed back to my apartment and went to sleep.

THE ELEMENT HERO: 𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐀𝐋! Where stories live. Discover now