2 much too get out 4 parties

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"Yes, really." Mrs. Randle is already headed down the hall.

"Ahhh-haaa!" Steve calls.

She flicks him off on her way out.

"That's fine!" He rolls his eyes.

"Damn." Johnny whispers.

Steve sighs, "gotta love her." He grins.

"What is your mom gonna tell her?" I question.

"How to not get an STD." He nods happily.

"At least she can't get pregnant." Johnny and Pony jinked each other with that.

For some reason? Brantley and her line of her three friends all come walking in here and sitting down, basically extending our circle.

"What now are y'all all gonna kiss each other?" Steve rolls his eyes.

"Naw we got bored, so I said "my brothers interesting let's talk to him"." She explained.

"I can't y'all." Pony shrugs.

"With who?" One of her friends questions, despite her dark complexion her accent was nearly British.

"Are you really British?" I was so amazed it just came out.

"I was born in Britain, and adopted by a British family and then moved here when I was two or three. You should hear my parents." She looked off.

Hm. Fun? Whatever.

"What's it like to be older?" This girl has a brown eyes and a hazel eye, and a strawberry blonde. She's the extra rare shopkin egg right there...

"The same." Steve answers, "exactly the same just more things to worry about."

"Like a wedding." I giggle.

"Y'all are getting married?" The British girl looks happy but almost sad at the same time.

"Yes." We answer and Steve shows off his ring.

She lets out a sigh, "I'm gonna be single forever."

"Aw what do mean?" Johnny is empathetic I swear.

"Her parents are very religious and don't think it's right to not be straight. Mine know I'm lesbian, they know I'm a lot of things, they just don't acknowledge it. Sometimes I wish I was you Berry." Lasy admits.

"Your names adorable." Pony frowns.

"It's really not. That's short for December. My real first name is December. And some people call me Deci, Cember, Berry, Cembi, Ember. Anything goes at this point." So the British girl had a weird name, December.

"I'm sorry y'all's parents are like that." I apologize.

"What's it like to date someone?" The shopkin girl speaks up again.

"It's great, especially if you actually like who your dating." Johnny admits.

"I don't know I think I'm still scared..." she looked down.

I don't wanna ask what happened that r- " not tryna be nosy or nothing but... what happened?" Mhm Pony trying to be nosy? Totally haven't heard of that one.

"My step-brother touched me last year. Then our parents had to divorce cause I told my dad." She shrugged.

It went silent.

"Of course it was your step-brother..." I hit Steve after he said that but she laughed.

"Right!" She agreed.

Johnny was asleep with his head in Pony's lap, I forget he's pregnant.

"I think my parents would've been okay if my step-brother touched me." Lasy spoke.

"I know I probably shouldn't agree, but you're right." Brantley raised her eyebrows.

"Elaborate. We are getting this shit out tonight I guess?" Steve sighed.

"My parents aren't overly religious they are just overly old school. They believe that girls should be girls and girls should talk to guys and guys only. They just don't say anything to me because they're trying to be nice. But I know what there thinking. 'She's not very ladylike.' 'She doesn't look like a girl', 'she's in a faze.' It's all the same." Lasy sighs, "they still call me Ally. Ally! It's disgusting."

"What's your name and what are you?" Pony squints.

"My full first name is Allisandra. And I don't know what my gender is but it's not a girl. I just that so I don't confuse anyone or make my parents upset." She explains.

"I still love you though." Brantley whispers like no one was supposed to hear that.

We stop and she blushed Lasy looking up at her, she's laying in her lap.

"Sorry it came o-"

"I love you too." Lasy blushed.

Middle schoolers are cringe,
And loud
And weird
And dumb
But their too cute and adorable.

-I'm lowkey sleepy so gn also look at me posting during a school week such a slay-

2 Teen 4 This- JohnnyBoy/StevepopTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang