Chapter 12

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   Once they were all finished with breakfast, besides Sullivan who mostly sipped on the high pulp orange juice, Mrs. Poppy grabbed all of the dishes to set them in the sink to wash. She couldn't help but notice that the redhead didn't eat anything, but she put it on the back burner for now as she began filling the sink with soapy water.

   Jasper walked Sullivan to the front door, not wanting the freckled teen to leave so soon. But he didn't want to come off as clingy. Sullivan told him he had chores that needed to be done around the house anyway, so the dark teen resisted the urge to tell him not to. 

   "Sorry about Mom, she can be a handful sometimes." Jasper said, scratching the back of his head, his hair still a frizzy mess from waking up.

   "No need to apologize, they seemed... fun."

   That caused Jasper to snicker, tilting his head to the side his eyes sparkled with amusement as he observed the redhead. He couldn't hold it in any longer and busted out laughing as if Sullivan had just cracked a witty joke. With a playful glint in his eye, a mischievous grin spreading across his face. His laughter continued; subtle movement caused his dark, tousled bangs to fall gracefully into his face. The strands of hair gently brushing his forehead, creating a mesmerizing, appearance.

   Sullivan couldn't help but be captivated by the sight. The way Jaspers bangs fell into his face, framing his features, his laugh was dark yet husky; sounded forced even, as if he hadn't truly laughed in years. His piercings gleamed in the light as his smile widened, showing off his perfectly straight white teeth.

   'I would kill to have teeth like that' Sullivan thought, stifling a shy smile, feeling suddenly self-conscious. Why does Jasper make him feel this way? 

   Sullivans heart raced as Jasper continued laughing, his palms getting sweaty, not from the Texas heat but from a certain someone standing before him. Only to quickly dismiss the thought in his head, believing this was nothing more than being a little dehydrated. 

   "Fun?" Jasper asked, his voice cracked as he tried to hold in another laugh but failed miserably, covering his mouth with the back of his hand to hide that smirk.

   "Sorry, it's just..." He paused for a moment.

   "I didn't expect you to use that word to define Stella and Mom." Jasper said, wiping his mouth with the same hand as he met the redheads' green eyes, his smile never fading. Sullivan didn't know how to respond to that, but he could feel the blush creeping up his face and ears from embarrassment. It was the only word that popped up in his mind, so he said it out loud.

    It was a bad habit he had since he was young, having to respond fast, or his parents would assume he wasn't listening. They expected a response out of him anytime they spoke to him or asked questions. 

   "Sorry. Umm, bye." Sullivan awkwardly turned to leave, wanting to punch himself in the face. But Jasper asked, 

   "Hey, want to hang out again tomorrow or something?" 

   Sullivan looked back at him, not understanding why Jasper wants to hang out with him out of all of the people that were at the party. But it made his heart swell with happiness and excitement, he tried to act nonchalant though.

"Umm, I'll have to ask. But I'll let you know." 

   Which in turn made Jasper smile. 

"Cool! I'll be up before the sun rises. See you tomorrow."

   "Okay, bye." 

Jasper waved, still smiling, before walking back into the house. 

   As Sullivan turned to walked home, he couldn't help but think that maybe it would be best to stay away from the teen who just moved in. Jasper made him feel certain emotions that he was supposed to experience with a woman, but none of the woman in his town brought him any interest. He just always stayed in his own lane, and Sullivan preferred it that way... 

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