Kenji Kishimoto-Shatter me.

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"If I were you, I'd break up with him. I mean, you remember what happened between him and J." Kenji mumbles to me as we walk around the Courtyard, Adam and James following closely behind. I nudge Kenji in the arm and he jumps away from me grabbing his arm dramatically. "What was that for!?" He whisper-shouts at me. "Can you lower your voice please, Kenji? He is right behind us." Kenji cringes when he realizes his mistake, an apologetic look takes over his face as he rubs his arm, still in pain. Dramatic. He stops to tell Adam something then he drags me away into a silent hallway, making sure its just us and there is no one else around. He speaks.

"You know I'm right though, you saw the way Adam treated J. Hell, you were the one who comforted her. He's not worth it, Hun. We both know he isn't."

"Well, Kenji, if you actually let me talk instead of you just blabbering away, you would've heard me say that I am planning on leaving Adam." And then Kenji hugs me, actually hugs me "See, I knew you had some sense in you." He laughs, a beautiful, cheerful laugh, making me smile in the process.

"What's going on here?" Our heads snap up at the sound of Adams voice and Kenji lets go of me. "Heyy Bro, how long have you been standing there?"

"Long enough to hear you convince my girlfriend to break up with me. I thought we were friends." Kenji is about to respond but Adam looks towards me, he wasn't finished. He looks me dead in the eyes, giving me the feeling that I need to get away, before he says anything, but its too late. "And you? You were supposed to be my girlfriend, but now I see you whoring around with my best friend, mm? Someone tell me how long this has been going on?" Once again, Kenji goes to defend the situation but I'm already storming across the hallway until I'm right in front of him. And before I could register what I was doing, I slapped him, right across the face.

"You have no right to call me any of those names, you used me as a back up after Juliette left you. Adam, I'm sorry you cant manage to get that stick that's lodged up your ass out, but we were never happy, were you? I cant keep living like this. It's done, we're over. And don't try and pull that delusional shit you did with Juliette. This isn't a break. We. Are. Over."

"So what now, you're just gonna move onto Kenji?"

"If she does that's none of your business, lets just go." Kenji tugs my arm and drags my along until we are standing in his bedroom.

I've never been in Kenji's bedroom before. Kenji turns to me and when he sees the expression on my face, he charges across the room and embraces me once more. "If I had known you liked him that much, I would have left things the way they were, I would of shut my "blabbering" mouth."


"Its just Kent is such an absolute dickhead."


"And you deserve so much better."

"Kenji, listen to me!"


"Hi, Love."

"Don't, don't do that." Kenji turns away from me, walking towards his bed. "Don't do what?" I reply wearily, afraid I said something wrong. "Don't call me that, those names."

"Kenji, if it made you uncomfortable, I wouldn't have-"

"But that's the problem. It doesn't make me uncomfortable!" He is now pacing in front of his bed. "Then why are you acting this way?" He stops pacing and looks my dead in the eye, he walks over to me, not taking his eyes of mine until he's towering over me. I feel as though the breath has been knocked out of me.

"I'm so, so tired of pretending that there is nothing going on between us." He leans own, just enough so that his lips are grazing my ear. He continues. "Tell me that I'm not insane, tell me you feel it too." His lips move from my ear to hovering over my mouth. "Tell me that if I kiss you right now, you will not push me away." All I could do was nod, but that seemed enough for him because his lips are on mine and his body has crashed into mine and suddenly I'm pushed up against a wall, and then I'm in his arms, my legs wrap around him in an instant and I'm slammed into his bed.

There is a knock at the door. Adams voice comes from the other side. "Hey Kenji, I'm sorry about what I said before, can you let me in." I slowly push Kenji off me and make my way to the door, opening it just enough so that he can see Kenji lying on the bed, with my lipstick smudged all over his lips. "Sorry Adam, Kenji is a bit busy at the moment." Staring at the pure disbelief on Adams face that will soon turn into anger, I take that as a sign to shut the door. And lock it. I turn to see Kenji smirking at me from the bed and I make my way over to him.

"Now, where were we?"

Fictional Character One Shots//ImaginesWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu