Part 7

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Adjusting with the bright light he tried to open his eyes.

He looked up at the ceiling....

'Wasn't my ceiling brown?' he thought.

'How did it become off-white?' he questioned in his mind.

He looked at his surroundings

"What. The. Hell?" he whispered under his breath.

"Where the hell am I?"

He looked at his right and his breath hitched for a second.

There was a girl.

She was sleeping sitting on the floor and resting her head on the bed.

His hand was on her. He looked at her hand and gulped feeling nervous.

He then pulled away his hand and looked at her face.

Suddenly he remember about the fight..

'It Wasn't a dream for sure'

He placed his hand on the right side under his chest

"ah-" he gasped lowly.

'Yes that was real.'

He then touched his head and found it was bandaged.

'Wait, isn't this the girl from last night?'

He remembered there was also a boy with her. She called him something like Tea?

Or Tae?

'Stop! Don't think these right now.' he said to himself.

He looked at his surroundings and felt like he had seen it before.

He looked at the ceiling and started to think something.

He felt some movements beside him.

He looked at that side and saw the girl moving her head.

She woke up and frowned thinking why she was on the ground.

She then looked at him widening her eyes and immediately stood up while he was just holding an confused yet innocent face. "I'm sorry, I'm really sorry I didn't notice I slept here." she said bowing then straightening up. "I'm sorry ok?"

He was silent for a little. "I never said anything.''

"fine. I'll that as a yes." she said.

"why did you bring me here?" he asked still looking up.

"So what could I do? Let you die there? Bruh! you should be thankful to me." she said crossing her arms against her uper body.

"why did you even care? You don't even know me. What if I'm a bad guy"?

"I don't know... Maybe God sent me to save you and gave you another chance to be a good person and let me be a superherione." she said like she was some motivational speaker.

"That word doesn't even exist-"

"who cares. Stay here I'll be back in some minutes."

It had been like 20 minutes since she left..

'Why do I even care?' he thought to himself.

''I have to go back. I can't stay at random people's place right? I also have some reputation.'' he mumbled.

Thinking these he tried to sit up... Only to get hurt.

'I thought I had an enough strong body?'

'Maybe it's because I didn't get a bullet for a long time..'

'Ahh! Why was I so fool to believe his silly words. How could they even know I'm searching for some people that also my family.' he said kicking the air like a kid while scrunching his nose.

He banged his fist on the mattress and decided to get up.

He tried to get up again, That time trying to hold the pain in.

He somehow stood up leaning against the wall just when the door opening sound was heard.

"Yaah! Are you planning to escape? Cause if you are, then don't even try. There's a strong security outside my house." the girl said as he looked at her blinking twice.

She was holding a tray of a bowl, a glass of water and a small plate with some pills in it. She came towards him and put the tray on the night stand.

"sit down." she commanded but he didn't obey.

" I said sit down! I don't like to repeat my words" she ordered like she was his boss.

He sat down, still with that poker face

"not like that. like you were before"

"is there any problem if I sit like this?" he asked.

She didn't say anything and glared at him. He just gave up and sat like before.

'never ever thought I had to give up infront of a girl...' he thought sighing to himself.

She pulled the blanket over him again. "Hmm now..." she took the tray and placed it infront of him. "you have to eat"

He looked at the food then again at her. "I'm not hungry."

"yea it's a lame excuse. No one uses it now. If you don't eat aunty will scold me for not feeding you because she loves her patients so much." She dramatically said.

"Who's aunty?"

"the doctor who treated you." she stayed silent for some moments before asking, "Should I feed you?"

He stayed silent.

"I'll again take it as a yes. " she said and pulled a stool near the bed and sat on it. She took the soup bowl from the tray.

"say aah."

He looked at her in disbelief. 'Do I look like a kid?' he thought.

She blinked her eyes twice before glaring.

He opened his mouth and took a spoonful.

'Not bad... I think I needed something warm and it's really good.'

"Good. Now you have to drink the whole bowl and then I'll give you your medicines"

He took the last spoon and she put the bowl on the tray and handed him the water glass.

"Now should I also help you drink?" she said chuckling. And he took the glass from her as she handed him the medicines.

He stared at it for some moments.

'I hate it...' he thought crying internally.

"why don't you drink it?" she said plainly.

He loked at her before putting the pill inside his mouth and gulping it down closing his eyes. He heard her chuckle.

'What's so funny?'

She took the glass back from him after hr finished drinking.

"coffee or tea?" she asked standing up.

He stayed silent for a minute before saying "Coffee please."

"thank God you said something. I thought you're going to be silent forever."

She said and turned around to leave but again looked back. "oh black coffee or milk coffee?"

"Black. "

"okay. " She said before walking out.

Sorry for being late. A friend came to my place so I was busy.

Blame her for it. O_O

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