Trip to LA

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Mila's POV:

"Yes mom, everything's alright... I'm already sitting in the plane...", a relieved sigh could be heard from the other side of the line: "Take care, Mila" "I will...", I answered and hung up. I was currently in my flight to Los Angeles. Leaning back in my seat I start looking out of the window. This was my first time flying alone. I was super nervous but also excited. My aunt, which I haven't seen in the past ten years was going to pick me up at the airport. She had agreed to take me in for my exchange year to the US, so I wouldn't have to live with foster parents. I was thankful for that because I pretty much had social anxiety and living with two or more strangers would be hell. Well, there is also another reason why I'm extremely excited. I'm going to visit a comic convention in San Diego. I had saved for this trip almost a year now, to be prepared to buy lots of souvenirs.

I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't notice the flight attendant trying to get my attention and telling me to put my seatbelt on. Only when the old lady next to me tapped my shoulder, I looked up to see the female flight attendant glaring at me with an annoyed expression. I blushed embarrassed and quickly lowered my gaze, putting the seatbelt on. I cursed myself multiple times in my head, before deciding to leave it be and started to listen to my playlist, to somehow calm me down.

The rest of the flight wasn't that bad, most of the time I looked out of the widow, watching the buildings and trees get smaller and smaller. Once they had completely disappeared, I took out my phone and started watching "Captain America, the Winter Soldier" for like the 5th time. The first marvel movie I saw was "infinity war". I know, doesn't make much sense but after I was obsessed with marvel. Especially Natasha Romanoff, aka. the black widow and scarlet witch. Those two quickly became my comfort characters. After "infinity war" I watched other marvel movies, mostly the ones where Scarlett Johansson and Elizabeth Olsen played in. I admired their acting skills and somehow started fangirling for them. Anyways I was super excited to meet them at the con and maybe get a photo or autograph. The whole flight I pondered over how to approach them. No way I wanted to look like a cringy fangirl. At some point I just decided to try getting some sleep, it was still a week ahead, so I had enough time to mentally prepare myself for it. Sadly, none of my friends were big marvel fans and my aunt was working so I would go alone, which sounds worse than it actually is. I'm sure I would somehow find my way around. Besides my aunt is only one call away cause she works at a hospital near San Diego just in case anything would happen.

I must've fallen asleep, cause I was awoken by the pilot, announcing that we would land shortly. Shout out to me that I understood him regardless the fact that he sounded like he's eating the mic. Anyways, once we landed, I went to search for my luggage. I was really proud once I found the area. I took my suitcase and went to a Starbucks, where I could wait for my aunt. It was the only café I knew from back home. I texted a few friends, scrolled on insta and watched tiktoks. After about 2 hours i decided to leave the Starbucks, seeing that the waitress was sending me strange glances, probably because I was sitting here the whole time with one coffee. It's not my fault that shit is expensive as hell... After another hour and a half, I finally got a text from my aunt telling me her shift ended early and she'd come to pick me up in around 20 minutes, which i was very thankful for cause my ass started to hurt.

"Hey, long time no see! look at how much you've grown!", this was understatement. I haven't seen this woman since I was five, so I don't really have many memories of her. My aunt embraced me in a hug, which I awkwardly returned. "Come this way, my car is right outside", she said and pulled my arm towards the direction she was pointing to. I hadn't said a word since I saw her and was now sitting on the passenger's seat next to her. "So how has life been? wait how old are you now? 13?", my aunt started, trying to start a conversation. "15", I corrected her. "Oh, wow such a big girl already, how the time flies. I wanted to apologize for not coming to your birthday this year, I was too busy, I had a really hard time", my aunt started to talk about her ex-husband and how they divorced and how he's got a new wife now, and apparently just used her. How she had already known he had an affair with that b*tch when they were together. I just leaned my forehead against the window occasionally replying with a: "What really?!" and "how could he", to make it sound like I cared. truth to be told I hadn't much interest in her life, I mean, she sounds like a nice person, but I wasn't really in the mood to listen to her, after she apparently was too busy to reply to any of my families attempts to try to build a healthy relationship with her nieces or nephew. Once we arrived at her house, she gave me a tour and showed me the room I was staying in. it was simple, but I could always customize it during my stay here. After all, I had a whole year time to do so. My aunt left me after babbling something about important emails she had to answer and I started to unpack the things I'd need for the night, shoving the rest in my suitcase under my bed. I let myself fall on the bed and scrolled through my phone again. it helped me adjust to the new situation. I didn't like change... it made me anxious. so, ignoring it while being on my phone was the best way to cope with it that came to my mind. Around 8pm my aunt called for me and told me she ordered pizza. We ate in silence beside the awkward attempts of my aunt to ask about my hobbies, which always leaded to a ten-minute session of me listening to something she experienced in the past. so, I started to cut off her attempts for Smalltalk. after the 4th question to which I answered in one syllable she gave up. I felt kinda bad for her, but it was frustrating. Before I went to bed, I received a call from my parents asking how I was doing, and I assured them I arrived safely. After changing and brushing my teeth I went to bed, thinking about the future, new school, new people... I felt my insides turn at the thought of what possibly could go wrong, so I decided to just watch TV until I fell asleep.

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