Training Begins!!

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Here's the corrected version of the text with improved grammar and punctuation:

Their training was about to begin. Master Roshi quickly capsuled his house and picked up the capsule. Since the island was small, they decided to go and train on a larger island. Launch stuck close to Goku like glue since he was the one who had saved her, and she trusted him more than all of them.

"Alright, gang, let's go," Master Roshi said as he walked to the shore. He pushed the top button on his capsule and threw it into the water. With a poof, a boat appeared, floating on the water.

"Lunch, you can sit next to me if you want," Master Roshi said, his face flushed with impure thoughts.

"No, I want to sit with Goku," she said while picking him up and hugging him. Goku looked at Lunch, who smiled happily. He smiled back, and they went inside the boat. Krillin and Master Roshi sat in front as they began their journey to a larger island.

Luckily, Master Roshi had one in mind, so they had a clear destination. When they arrived, he took back his capsule, and they walked toward the hill. He placed the Kame House on the hill and turned back to Goku and Krillin.

"Boys, this is where your training will start. You'll be put through harsh conditions so that you can become better martial artists. But first, I have to test you to see if you can survive the training," he said to them. Lunch had gone inside and began making food for everyone.

"Okay, you see this rock?" Master Roshi picked up a rock and wrote something on it. He showed them what he wrote. "You see, the sun is about to set, and this rock will determine if any of you will be able to eat tonight. Now look."

Master Roshi threw the rock away, and it rolled down the hill into the forest.

"You see, this task might be simple, but it will help you with mental prowess and concentration, which are both necessary for martial arts. It will also be a test of your stamina. Now, you two have thirty minutes before the sun sets. If one of you brings the rock back, you will eat tonight while the other does not. But if you both don't arrive here in thirty minutes, then you both won't eat."

Without any need to hear him talk again, Goku and Krillin rushed toward the edge. Krillin stopped, but Goku jumped off the edge, and Krillin looked at Goku like a crazy man. He did some acrobatics on a tree branch and landed on the ground skillfully. Krillin tried his luck and jumped, but unlike Goku, who didn't panic, Krillin did and began falling while wiggling his hands around, trying to fly.

Goku was already running around looking for the rock. He was having fun, honestly, even though things had just started. He ran around, looking under bushes until he found it, yet he wasn't going to go back and give it to Master Roshi. In his previous life, he was a hardcore Dragon Ball fan, so he knew what would happen if he ate the food tonight. So he went back to Krillin and threw the rock to his side. Krillin got up from the hole he made when landing. He looked around and saw the rock right in front of him.

'Wow, how lucky. That blockhead Goku didn't see this when he landed. Haha, food for me tonight,' he thought, getting up from the floor. He picked the rock up and began running up the hill back to Master Roshi, who was reading a porno.

"Master Roshi, I found it. Look," he said as he showed him the rock. Master Roshi took it and looked at it closely.

"Hmm, good job, Krillin, you passed. Goku, on the other hand, no food for you tonight."

Goku soon appeared after climbing up the hill. "Ahh, man. Now I'll have to starve tonight," he said with a whine. Krillin jumped high in the air and began dancing.

"Yahahaha, I beat you, Goku. Now watch as I eat the delicious foo-"

Krillin and Master Roshi were bedridden for three days due to eating bad blowfish. Goku made sure to laugh in their faces on all those days just to flex. Even though he lost, he had won.

After the two had recovered, their training continued. This time, Master Roshi sent them on a long run around the whole island, delivering milk to everyone who lived there, which was about 300 people. Goku and Krillin ran past rivers, forests, and even went up a mountain just to deliver milk to the guy who lived in the shrine. This was truly a workload, yet they persevered and did their duty. Next, he made them do heavy labor, which involved farming and planting crops in the blazing hot sun. Then they helped the construction workers with digging and transporting sand with wheelbarrows.

At the end of each day, Goku and Krillin could barely feel their hands. But they knew that this hard labor was worth it. Since Goku's hands couldn't work, Lunch would feed him every time he asked.

One day, while Goku and Lunch were sleeping together, she woke up and saw that he had no blanket covering him. During the time they'd spent, she began to feel a bond with Goku that she couldn't explain. She put a blanket over his body and went back to sleep. Suddenly, out of nowhere, Lunch sneezed. Her hair turned yellow, and her violent nature came back. This was Lunch's opposite, who was named Launch. Both of them knew nothing about the other, but they understood that there was something wrong with them. They would wake up in the most random places every day, which would always be annoying or terrifying, depending on who just woke up.

Launch looked at Goku, who was sleeping silently. Anger rose in her as she pulled a pistol out and was ready to shoot. Yet Goku's instincts woke him up, seeing the blonde-haired girl, he knew exactly what had happened.

He got up and hit her right on her neck with a hard chop. Launch passed out and fell back down on the bed. Goku used a feather and began to tickle her nose. She sneezed, and Lunch came back. Seeing Goku on top of her made her blush, but she didn't complain. She pulled him into an embrace and covered them both with a blanket.

Well, he wasn't going to complain; a nice seat in front of those nice melons was honestly a win for him. So he soon fell asleep inside those double Ds.

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