So, she has time to text her friend but not me. I mean yes I am that friend and I shouldn't be jealous of myself but , nowadays I am not in my mind .

Me :” hi flower “

Ayesha :” How are you bunny “

Me :” I'm good and you.. Are you still in your parents house “

Ayesha :” I'm good and yep I am still there, you know Dadu is not well yet “

Me :” Are you taking care of yourself or are you forgetting yourself .

Ayesha :” I am taking care of my “

Me :” So.. How's your husband , did you talk to him “

Ayesha :” No.. You know bunny, he really doesn't care about me, he literally didn't even call me once to check on me. I am thinking I am the only one who is having hard time “

I smiled looking at her text, so she is also having a hard time.

Oh flower, you don't even know how much your husband is crazy over you .

Me :” So why didn't you talk to him? You could also text him “

Ayesha :” Noo!! I can't , he will think I am some kind of creep “

Me :” I don't think so, what if he is waiting for a little text from you “

Ayesha :” Then he can wait forever because I am not going to text him first “

Me :” Oh ok ok fine.. “

Ayesha :” Anyways I am going to sleep. Good night “

Me :” Good night “

I wiped my smile as I cleared my throat, I licked her profile and there were so many pictures of her. It is a private account. She just uploaded a picture. It was a book. “ King of Warth “ With the caption

“ Love these fictional love stories “

What type of book this is, a historical fiction , maybe . I need to read this book.

I opened the app and ordered this book. It was written it's a Adult romance.

“ So you read adult romance, this is not Ayesha's thing “ I smiled and packed my laptop before reaching home. As soon as I reached the guards greeted me but this time I stopped and greeted them back asking if they needed anything .

I entered the house and it was silent as everyone already went to sleep. I went directly to my room as now her smell was not there . I already start to hate this room a lot.

I look towards the book on my shelf all packed. The delivery boy must have left this.

I took off my coat and walked towards the bathroom.

I turn on the shower and stand under it, my one hand on the wall. I closed my eyes as the water fell over my scars.

“ Little prince, there's no one to save you “

“D -Don't come near me p-please “ I plead

“ Oops, guys our little prince is crying.. Let's make him laugh a little should we. “

We looked at them in horror as those monsters pulled out the knife. Digging it into my skin ripping it .

“ Laugh little prince. “

“ Laugh if you want this to stop “

“ Laugh!!!! “

I opened my eyes as I found myself in the bathroom. I turn off the shower with my trembling hands. I gulp as I look at myself in the mirror . My body is covered with scars and ugliness. I hate this all. I hate looking at these scars that represent my past. No matter how much strong I became, The little boy is still alive in me who wanted nothing but to end his life like cowards.

I walked out of the bathroom, getting all fresh . The room is as cold as my body right now. I get into the duvet and cover myself. My still coldness was not stopping. What's wrong with me? I grab my phones with my trembling hands. Calling the first person who came into my mind.

1 ring... 2 ring... 3—

“ Hello..... “ Her voice reached my soul as my whole body Shivered and relaxed. I stayed silent, closing my eyes.

“ Ahad.. Are you there “ ... She said as I breathed but didn't say anything. I don't know what's wrong with me but I can't speak. I feel like if I speak I will... do something I stopped doing a long time ago.

“ Are you okay..“ She asked me to shake my head but I know she can't see.

“ Everything will be fine Ahad... “ She whispered as I gulped.

I quickly pressed the red button and put my phone aside.

“ Mi Amor.... I am not okay... I was never... It's only you who makes me feel ok , no matter what you are here for me. “

What are the chances of me going to her room through her window at this hour. ?


What will she do if I go and hug her. ?

She will push me away or tell me to leave.

Am I going to do it?

Hell no. I am not but... The warmth of her arms and the smell of her hairs. Her voice and everything.


I was laying on the bed after the call of Ahad

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

I was laying on the bed after the call of Ahad. What happened to him? I never heard him sigh like this. He is tense. I can feel it. I turned on the bed but I could not sleep. I need to know what happened to him. What if something is hurting him? He must be in need of someone. Allah please give him some rest and happiness.

My breath hitched when a hand wrapped around my waist. My heartbeat got faster, not because I was scared but because it's the familiar smell of the person I was thinking about. He snuggled into my neck. Taking deep breaths .

“ W-what are you doing here Ahad” I said as I slowly turned around facing him. His arms were still around me.

His eyes met mine as he put his index finger on my lips.

“ Shh you don't get to say anything, when you have taken over my mind, making me this crazy for you “

My heart skipped a beat at his words. He looked so tired, his hairs were falling over his forehead and his eyes were not like before .

“ Are you overworking yourself Ahad? '' I asked in a worried voice.

“ Shouldn't I be working? “ He asked as I shook my head. “ No not this much “

He pulled me closer, so close that there was no space between us. His eyes landed on my lips but he looked up soon.

“ Come back home “ He said, looking into my eyes with too many emotions. I didn't say anything and just pulled him towards me. Hugging him . His head was resting on my chest and I was running my fingers through his ears . I don't know what happened to him but right now all that matters is him.

He tightens his arms around me as if he is not getting enough of me. His half body was on me and his head was on my chest like a baby. Then he slept so soundly as if he didn't sleep for days. I didn't leave me not for a single minute. I kissed his forehead and we slept like this.

No matter what demons are hurting him , Ayesha will fight for him like her warrior

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