Now he is ignoring people, rejecting food, later he'll reject everything or worse he'll loose the last thread of control he is still holding onto." Arjun stops, leaving all four them speechless and frightened.

"What should we do now? Should we stop her from coming here?" Purnit asks.

"Only if you want to die. Because it's too late now." Arjun answers immediately.

"But there has to be something? This can't be the solution." Leo stands up straight and walks towards the phone, feeling frustrated.

"I am coming back next week but till my return the only solution I see is her. I'll talk to Pihu." Arjun says.

"But it will be extremely selfish of us if we involve her into a matter so personal, Arjun. Feels like we are exploiting her." Ritwik says worriedly.

"Says the man who drugged her to kidnap her friend? Joking apart, that day when you drugged her to kidnap Teressa was extremely selfish, yes, you should be jailed for that but right now we need her to save herself." Arjun says and Leo's eyes widen as he snaps his head towards Ritwik, who keeps looking at his feet sheepishly.

"We are not exploiting her, we are trying to warn her, we are informing her about what could go wrong. If she willingly helps us even after that then well and good but if she chooses not to, then we are.. well.. we are doomed." Arjun explains.


His hand keeps trembling, not because of the cold but because of the  growing rage. It has been twelve hours since he last saw her, only twelve hours but it feels like ages. What's wrong with him?

He draws a long puff of cigarette and hangs his head behind. His eyes closed, his hair messy. He is wearing a normal navy blue tshirt on his grey sweatpants. A normal tshirt, because he isn't feeling cold at all. The entire balcony is filled with fog and he keeps standing amidst that, adding more smoke to it.

Finally when he opens his eyes they fall on the bottomless canyon below. His sight remains fixed at that as if it's calling him towards it, as if that's where all peace lies.

He hears another knock on his door and for the umpteenth time, he ignores it.

"Fine then, I'll leave." The voice from outside utters and his grey eyes widen as the cigarette falls from his hand. And before she could utter another word the door opens.

"I heard you are busy. They said you're ignoring them from early morning? Must be very...." Her words get interrupted as the deep voice booms.

"Come in."

"But they said.." She tries to interrupt mischievously.

"I said come in, now!" He adds impatiently and she stifles a smile and gets inside with the trolley of breakfast. But the very moment she gets inside her face falls.

"Were you smoking?" She asks calmly, sniffing the air and he stands still at his spot looking at the floor.

"Manik, I am no one to judge you. Trust me. But smoking will decrease the effectiveness of your medications and I'll hate that." She says and he snaps his head and looks at her.

"I don't need medications!" He utters.

"Yes and no." Pihu answers.
"Come, sit here." She adds gesturing towards the sofa beside the huge glass window. Vulcan slowly moves towards that keeping his eyes fixed on hers. She pushes the trolley towards the sofa and starts placing the plates on the table infront of him. Then she places one single plate of sandwich on her side.

"Leo brought it. Do you want me to eat here with you? I can always go downstairs, if you don't." She says sincerely.

"No! Eat here." He says and then adds, "Please."

"Okay.  So, what were we talking about? Medications, yes." She starts taking her seat on the sofa deliberately creating a distance. The grey eyes move from the table to the blank space between them on the sofa.

"You know what Manik, medication is a part of life now. Everyone takes it for this reason or that and it's normal. So it practically doesn't make you weak or something it just makes you mature, understanding. That is why....." She keeps explaining but his eyes keep shifting between the blank space on the sofa to her beautiful lips. The way she moves her hands while explaining, the way her thin fingers are holding the sandwich, the way she's nibbling on that, he feels hypnotized.  And that's when she moves her obsidian eyes towards his grey ones and his heart stops. Has he ever seen anything as beautiful as this woman?

She is an art he wants to touch, he wants to feel, he wants to understand, he wants to keep. His hand slowly starts moving upwards, a strong need, a need to touch her, a need to feel her warmth, pushes him from inside.

Understanding what's to come Pihu calls him, loudly.


That successfully brings him out of his trance and he realizes what he was about to do. Surprisingly, he doesn't feel scared, the only thing he feels is annoyance when he sees her standing up and moving out of the sofa space.

"Sorry. I got worried. I just don't want to cause you pain."  She explains.

He doesn't say anything and keeps looking at the food.

"Enough now. Finish eating your breakfast." She says almost in a scolding manner and he looks up at her.
"We are going out." She adds smilingly.

"Where to?" He asks feeling excited all of a sudden.

"That's a secret. Will it be okay if I choose your clothes while you eat?" She asks casually moving towards the cupboard. To this he looks at her feeling weirdly giddy.

"Yes." He says feeling breathless for no reasons.

"Fine then, finish everything. One food left on that plate means we aren't going out." She says pulling out hoodies, tshirts, jackets and what not and for the first time in ages he feels the sides of his lips moving slightly upwards.


Yes, she is a great driver. He has to admit that but the fact that his entire car smells like her is playing with his nerves. She insisted on driving and he isn't regretting.

The car stops and his eyes fall on the nameplate of the bakery shop: Flora.

"Why are we stopping here?" He asks nervously. He loves Julian but he isn't ready to socialize right now.

"I have to go inside for a few minutes. Will you wait here, inside the car?" Pihu asks and he nods, relief surges through his body. She leaves for Flora and he waits impatiently. This place, this house, this bakery, everything makes him uncomfortable now. Weirdly enough, this used to be his happy place once. But the past that he left behind keeps haunting him from inside. He doesn't want to be that guy who could smile at everything, he can't relate to him anymore. Darkness, loneliness, coldness gives him peace. The only thing bright and warm he wants is Pihu. She is the only source of light he is comfortable with.

After long few minutes she comes out and with her comes out an old but extremely pretty lady. His breathing spikes up. But when he sees Pihu walking towards the car and Julian waving at him from the door of the bakery he feels grateful.

He looks at Pihu who gives her a warm smile and gestures towards his hand. He understands what she meant and very slowly raises his hand waving it back at Julian, who immediately breaks into tears.

"What did you tell her?" He asks after few minutes.

"Nothing much, just that you need some space. You know her Manik, she is the most considerate person I've ever seen. She didn't question me about it, just wanted to see you once. That's it." She says keeping her focus on the road ahead. He keeps looking at her with a feeling he can't really point out. The only thing he understands is that he never felt something like this in his entire life.


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Love, Puja. 💜

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