Ep3: Watching a Champion Match

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[As Yuko is sleeping, Kaori and Akio are playing with all the children for an hour before deciding to put something on the TV]

Akio: Wow..... Yuko is realy out of it.

Kaori: Well, he did have a duel about an hour ago, against the bully who bullied him his whole life..... who uses a Zombie deck....... Knowing Yuko well, I'm surprise that he didn't faint a few seconds after seeing "Revendread Slayer".

Akio: Yeah... I could see he was scared through the whole duel....until he drew those 3 cards..... all which he has never used before.

Kaori: Well, he defeated Steven and gave him a piece of his own medicine by doing it on Duel-Tube.


Akio+Kaori: *Turn to face the TV.*

Anouncer On The TV: ARE YOU READY!!! The champion Aku Yukan will be protecting his title as CHAMPION!!!!!!
Who is his opponent you ask? Well... It is the King of Destruction! Shuen Owari!!!

Kids: WOW!

Akio: Oh, there's going to be a rematch.

Kaori: Rematch?

Akio: Yup, Aku Yukan and Shuen Owari are 2 of the top 5 duelists in the world, Aku is the 1st while Shuen is 3rd. Kotaku Heishi is 2nd, Shuen's sister Bokyaku is 4th and Supaku Hono is 5th. Although Kotaku almost never duels, infact, I don't remember the last time he dueled

Anouncer On The TV: Well it looks like it's time to begin the duel. Time to zoom-in to see this ACTION!

[The camera adjusts which lets people watching through the TV see the duel]

[Note: words spoken by the duelists cannot be heard by those who watch through TVs]

[The duelists approuch the duel arena, Aku Yukan is wearing a almost golden like outfit with touches of blue, red and yellow while Shuen Owari is wearing a black and grey outfit with touches of dark blue, light blue and white]

Aku Yukan: I hope your ready Shuen. *excited*

Shuen Owari: Worry about yourself! *smiles*

Anouncer: Before we begin, how do we know who goes 1st? OH, I KNOW we will play a small game of spell, trap, monster.
Here is how it works, spell beats trap, trap beats monster, and monster beats spell, each duelist will pick 1, and hold that chosen card in the air in a position so the opponent can't see the card.

Aku Yukan: *Holds up a card*
Shuen Owari: *Holds up a card*

Aku Yukan: *Reveals a trap card*

Shuen Owari: *Reveals a spell card and smirks* Looks like I'm going 1st.

Aku+Shuen: *add 5 cards to their hand and begin the duel with 4000 LP*

Kaori: Why do they start with 4000 Life Points while we start with 8000 most of the time?

Akio: I'm not too sure, somethibg about being the in the top 5 duelists in the world, but if it was Aku against Kotaku Heishi, their Life Points would be 8000.

Shuen Owari: I'll start this duel by activate the continues spell, "Ascending Soul" *Smirks* Looks like I'm going to continue this duel with a bang!... or should I say *Activates the Ritual spell "End of the World"* RITUAL! I activate the ritual spell, "End of the World".
So now by tributing the level 8 "Invader of Darkness" from my hand, I can Ritual summon my GREAT MONSTER! now watch as this Ritual spell will allow a monster to bring forth the demise of YOUR world, I Ritual summon, Come forth! "Demise, King of Armageddon"!

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