Ep1: Encouragment

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The 14 year old Yuko walks out of the orphanage where he lives, he avoids as many people as he can as he walks in the park

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The 14 year old Yuko walks out of the orphanage where he lives, he avoids as many people as he can as he walks in the park.


(Akio (both of Yuko's friends are 14) is 1 of Yuko's 2 friends and he is Yuko's best friend)

Yuko: *jumps in fear as he hears Akio call his name* Ahh!!! oh.. hey Akio... please don't scare me like that.

Akio: Come onnnnn...... you are always so timid! *Wraps an arm around Yuko, pulls him down a little and pats Yuko's head hard*

Yuko: *looks down at the ground, timid as always*

Akio: You want to duel!?!??

Yuko: Now? ok sure...... but no duel disks, you know I can't handle being face to face with a monster. *ashamed of his own fear*

Akio: *Nods in understanding* Sure! You have your deck? I have mine! Lets duel over there! *points to a wooden table and 2 benches*

Yuko: Sure, lets have a duel. *follows Akio towards the tables*

Both Yuko and Akio sit down, take out your decks, shuffle their decks, and begin the duel

Akio: I'll go first. I summon..... "Confident Comander" in attack mode and I set 2 cards face down, your move

Confident Commander - LV 4 EARTH Warrior ATK 1800 DEF 1000

Yuko: I draw...... I summon.... "Scaredy-Tooth" and I activate his effect, when he us summoned, I can either dest...

Scaredy-Tooth - LV 3 LIGHT
Beast ATK 700 DEF 300

Before you finish you sentence, your other friend runs up.

Kaori: Hey Yuko! Akio!

Both Yuko and Akio stop the duel to talk to Kaori.

Yuko: Hi Kaori.
Akio: Hi miss.

Kaori: Don't call me "miss" Akio! I think it makes me sound older. Oooooo, you both are dueling, I'm asuming it was Akio's idea?

Yuko *nods*
Akio: What can I say.... I love to duel.
To bad Yuko never want's to use duel disks...

Yuko *Looks down ashamed of his fear*

[Kaori notices what Yuko is thinking so she decides to try cheer him up]

Kaori: How about Akio and I duel using duel disks, and you Yuko can watch and see how fun it can be.
Akio: *Nods in delight*

Yuko: Ok, *pick up his cards and takes deck as Akio does the same*

[Akio and Kaori walk to a grassy patch and take out their duel disks and activate them, Akio's duel disk is black and when it's activated, a red energy comes out which lets cards be placed on while Kaori has a dark grey duel disk which pink energy comes out which you may place cards on]

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