chapter 1

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Yaaaay! Another story. AO3 saw this first, but I thought I'd add it to wattpad as well.

It's not as long as One-Way Ticket, but very still very enjoyable (I like to think so at least). While playing around with the writing style I've tried to make this as aesthetically pleasing and atmospheric (with massive summer vibes) as possible. So enjoy and please vote and comment!

This one is for my yoongi loving heart ❤️✊ treat it well


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I dreaded this place. The air that hung above my head, the way my shoes gnawed at my heals from walking with my luggage, the way my bag was so heavy on my right shoulder I was sure I'd end up with a crooked back. I dreaded this summer.

There was something so cruel about the heavy sun and the still wind that made it unbearable to even stand in the heat. I panted as I hauled my suitcase with me out of the old, beat up, grey train, that probably had been bringing people to the dead city that was Jesong since the seventies. It was probably the same one that had brought my dad out of this city back in the days.

I squinted my eyes and held up my hand above my head to look through the heady sun, and sure enough, a few meters away my grandmother's car was parked along the curb. I dragged my suitcase with me as the train took off again, steam filling the vast, blue sky above my head. The loud noise of old metal clanging against itself that was the train replaced the sounds of chirping birds. The same noise I had listened to for the last three hours and had now given me a pounding headache. I watched as my grandmother stepped out of the car and slammed the door behind her, an old porsce from the 90's that managed pretty well despite being ten years old. But then again, I didn't imagine it was used to driving too far. She never really left Jesong.

"Y/n, how was the travel?" My grandmother awed, throwing out her gold-clad hands to welcome an embrace that I carefully allowed myself to engage in. It had been two years since I'd last seen her. Two years since I'd last been here.
"It was... fine." I said with thin lips. It had been terrible, but she didn't need to know that.
"You've grown so much," she noted, letting her eyes drawl over my entire body, making me shift awkwardly, before settling on my face. "You look just like your dad." It was a lie. I was the spitting image of my mother, but I knew she had never favored her. She had probably been thrilled when she heard of the divorce.
"Thank you, grandma." I said and she forced a stiff smile.

It wasn't that I inherently hated this place, it was just the circumstances. I hadn't exactly imagined that I'd be spending my summer stuck in this town, in the middle of nowhere, with no friends or any way to spend my time. I shoved my suitcase in the trunk, meanwhile glancing over the worn, brown leather. A faint smile tugged at my lips at the memories of the stickers that adorned the leather, one from every place I'd visited with mom and dad. Paris, New York, Taipei, Moskva, Stockholm and I could go on and on. I used to love summers because it'd meant to travel with them. 

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