25 Fools Rush In

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I am a bit discombobulated when I wake up. I have to remind myself that I am in a bed in Italy and had an amazing night with Cal. We told each other, "I love you." This sends bubbly feelings through my belly.

My phone says it's 11:24 a.m. My understanding of time is screwed. I was in NYC last night and in Venice now. I slept some, but I know if I don't get up right this minute, I may just putz around in bed and waste my day.

So, I throw the covers off my naked body and walk toward a coffee cup that is waiting on the dresser. I read the note beside it.

Hey sleepyhead,

I had to run. Drink the espresso and go explore the city. I will be back around dinner time. Have fun.

I sip the still-warm Americano and stare at the heart at the end of the note. The lovey buzz in my belly returns and I don't even notice when I start humming a tune resembling "Can't Help Falling in Love With You."

I have to make some moves so I can get a tour of this place before Cal is back. Ah oh, I think. I didn't bring any clean clothes.

I look around the room and find delight in what I see. I should have known he'd be looking out for me, for in the corner, on the armrest of an accent chair, a fresh pair of shorts, boxer briefs, and a crisp t-shirt await me. I smile at his thoughtfulness.

I pull the shirt on and reach for the underwear. But a different thought comes to my mind. I look around the floor and see what I want sitting along the baseboard of the far wall. I reach down and snatch Cal's worn briefs from the floor. Feeling a little pervy, I take a big whiff of the pouch that housed his balls and cock.

Fuck. It's intoxicating. The mix of musk and pine with a hint of sweat. I can't get over the idea that this is where his junk rested last night before he unleashed it on me.

I get hard.

I remind myself that I don't have time to jerk off, so I do the next best thing: I slide Cal's underwear up and over my own chubbed member. I then grab the shorts and head for the bathroom to freshen up. I brush my teeth and style my hair, but I don't take a shower. I love the smell of Cal on me and I am not ready to rinse it off quite yet.


The day is a blur. I walk all over Venice. See the amazing architecture. Eat a delicious piece of pizza from a hole-in-the-wall pizzeria I find in a small alley. Pet a cute stray dog in an empty piazza. I wind through the maze of cobblestone and bridges and fall in lust with the little canal city.

I make after-dinner plans with a cute gondolier for Cal and me. Later, I can picture it in my mind as I climb the stairs to Cal's flat. He will sail us around the waterways under the setting sun. Drinking wine and cuddling together as he sings "Amore."

My daydream pops as I open the door to the bedroom and find Cal. He is sitting on the end of the bed with a clearly concerned expression.

"Hey, Big Guy," I say, evaluating his face for clues as to what he is thinking.

I cross to him, but he stands and puts his hand out to direct me to stop. I feel my brow furrow and my breath catches.

"Cal?" I pose, but he doesn't say anything at first.

He hands me a transport bell. It's not my silver one. Instinctively, I pat my pockets for mine, but it's gone. With full apprehension, I take the one he holds out to me.

What the hell is going on?

He answers the question on my face.

"You have to go, Ryan."

"Go? I made us dinner plans."

I reach for him, but he is a cold statue.

"This isn't working. We aren't working," he explains.

I am stunned. Then anger starts to build up.

"Not working? Cal, you just told me you loved me last night."

He looks to the floor. "I was wrong. I am a fool."

My hand finds his face. "Cal, I get it. Falling in love is scary. You know what wise men say about fools."

This doesn't get a response from him.

A realization strikes me.

"If you are scared of Krampus, don't be. I'm not," I offer.

This seems to get through to him. His hand encompasses mine. The warmth against the chill of the bell I hold is comforting. I feel I have walked him back from the edge.

Suddenly, he gives my hand a quick shake and says, "Take Ryan home."

"No! Cal!" My blood runs cold as I feel the fuzziness of teleporting swallowing me up.

"Goodbye, Ryan," he says with sorrowful eyes.

Then, in a blink, the room disappears. Venice evaporates. My future with Cal vanishes.

I find myself back in my living room with the ashes of a one-way transport bell in my hand and a gaping hole in my heart.

Saving Santa (MxM)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz