3 Blame It on the Pie

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Ryan, you are a fuck-tart.

Cal's rental is just a few miles outside of downtown, but the windy road makes me feel I am lightyears from civilization. In true fashion, I am running 30 minutes behind. Not because I took too long to get ready, this time. I got in and out of my car three times, started writing Cal four different not-gonna-make-it messages, and contemplated turning around when I stopped for gas. He told me it was no worry when I told him I was a bit behind.

Rolling up to the quaint, shiplap cabin I couldn't help but picture how cute it must look in the snowy winters. Christmas card worthy for sure. I climb out of the car and pause to overthink everything one more time. My breath floats before me, reminding me how rapidly the temperature has dropped over the past few hours.

"You made it," Cal calls from the porch.

"Yeah. Sorry I got sidetracked by something," I tell him, ascending the stairs to meet him.

"Well, I am glad you got yourself unsidetracked." He pulls me into a welcoming hug. His warmth against the chill of the evening makes me momentarily forget about my second guessings.

"Oh. The pie," I announce, breaking up our embrace.

"What?" Cal asks with a laugh.

With a bounce down to the car, I grab the pumpkin pie I baked two nights ago from the passenger seat. Almost forgetting the spray whipped cream, I lean down and feel for the canister under the seat. It went rolling around as I took the curves here at dangerous speeds.

"Your pie, sir," I announce as I present it to Cal.

He smiles but says, "Ryan, I told you not to bring anything. You didn't have to bake a pie for this."

"Coincidentally, I had just baked it. Plus, if I didn't bring it, I would surely eat the whole thing on my own. Possibly in one sitting. And hate myself for it. Now we can split it and half hate ourselves together."

"Fair enough," he nods and ushers me inside.

The great room is aglow with the fireplace and candles. It has a humble cottage feeling. Makes you feel instantly at comfort. Similar to walking into the house of a relative for a holiday family gathering.

"This is cozy," I say.

"Yeah. I love it. Perfect size. It's got one bedroom, a spacious loft upstairs, and a big deck out the back."

I pass on making a big deck joke and show myself into the kitchen. There is quite the spread: turkey breast, mashed potatoes, roasted veggies, and cranberry sauce. I eye up the two expensive red blends sitting out at the end of the table.

"Wanna glass?" Cal asks, showing up beside me.

"Sure. I love a good wine. Okay, I like any wine."

He winks a knowing wink. I squint my eyes at him as he uncorks one of the bottles and pours two very generous glasses. There is something unexplainable about Cal. I wouldn't call it an act, but he definitely seems to know me or at least the type of person I am pretty well. Call it ESP or really good people reading skills, it baffles me and kinda turns me on at the same time.

"Wow. Heavy pour there, Big Guy. Looking to get me drunk?" I joke as he hands me my almost completely full glass.

He chuckles, grabbing his own glass. "I am leaving tomorrow. Can't bring it with me, and I am not gonna waste it."

His eyes meet mine and he goes quiet.

"Tomorrow, eh?" I ask. "That's when you are heading on your way?"

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