Excellent ending :D

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Canonical ending


Millions have passed since humans colonized Mars, and expectedly, Earth has been left behind. This hurts her a little, but she's happy that everything worked out... Sort of.
Life on Earth is totally gone, and so is her friendship with Mars. She can't understand! Why when humans completely dominated the surface of Mars did he just stop talking to it? She needs answers. She didn't want to interfere too much in his life, she just couldn't accept the end of their friendship. Not this way.

Earth: Mars!
Mars: hi-

Earth holds him. Obviously Mars is scared.

Earth: I need answers!
Mars: answers for what?
Earth: Why don't you want to talk to me anymore? A-Am I annoying or something?

Earth feels like crying but ignores this feeling.

Mars: It's not that... It's just that I prefer to be alone.
Earth: But we always talked and hung out together! We always talked about random things and laughed...What happened to us?
Mars: I just don't feel comfortable around you anymore...

She releases Mars, mouth open. what did he mean with this? Why does he think so? What did she do?

Earth ... Why? W-What did I do?
Mars: Nothing. I don't feel comfortable anymore when you're near. And that. Can you go away, please?
Earth: B-but-
Mars: Earth...
Earth: You broke your promise.

Mars is silent.

Earth: "No matter what happens, I will always be here for you. I promise." That's what you told me. But I think you only said that to make me feel better...

Earth, with tears in her eyes, leaves. She couldn't believe what he said.

A few hours passed and Moon was trying to comfort Earth, but this conversation wouldn't leave her head. "I don't feel comfortable anymore when you're around." She starts to cry.
Moon hugs Earth, but she just couldn't control her crying.
She didn't know what else to do. Should she let him go, or try to talk to him again?
She can't let their friendship end like this. She is still not satisfied with the answer.
She returns to the orbit of Mars.

Mars: Go away!
Earth: NO! WHY DON'T YOU WANT ME AROUND? Be honest please...

Mars is silent.

Earth: Please, Mars...
Mars: It's just... Now that your life is proliferating in me... I feel uncomfortable.
Earth: Look, I didn't want them to do this to you either, but they need a place to live.
Mars: I know, but just looking at you makes me feel uncomfortable. Like, these things on me aren't mine, they're yours. They came from you!
Earth: I understand...

They stayed silent, avoiding eye contact for a while. Earth feels like crying but tries to control her tears.

Mars: But... I don't want us to stop being friends.
Earth: Me neither.
Mars: ... Do you want to start over?
Earth: I want.

It seems like they are friends again, but like everything in life, nothing lasts forever.

(Billions of years later)

The Sun started to get hotter and act strangely. Earth already knew what this was.


So... Is this the end? In truth? The Sun was swelling more and more as we could hear his screams of pain. It seems so.

Earth: Well... It looks like this is the end for me hehe... Hey, Moon.

Moon looks at Earth with fear, until Earth throws her away in order to save her.
She was prepared for the end. At the end of it all, she would return to the dust, from which we all emerged.
But she hears someone shouting her name. It was Mars!


She turns to see Mars one last time.

Earth: Goodbye... Mars. It was nice to meet you...

Marte ran as fast as he could and managed to reach her and grab her hand, pulling her.

Earth: Why did you save me?
Mars: What do you mean "why did you save me?" YOU COULD HAVE DIED! YOU WERE GOING TO DIE!
Earth: I don't know! I thought I was going to die anyway.
Mars: At least I saved you!

Mars embraces Earth.

Mars: I just don't want to lose you...

Earth hugs him back.

Mars: How much time do we have left?
Earth: I think a few million years.
Mars: Well... I think we better make the most of this time we still have left!
Earth: ...You're right.


Sorry for not posting this week! School was killing me 💀

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