Chapter 08

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"No!" She yelled as she turned to leave. But I'd already lost my calm when she tossed the tea at me.
I took her wrist, drew her closer, twisted her hand slightly, and placed it on the back of her waist.
"How many times have I told you that you shouldn't run when I'm talking to you?" I questioned, trying to calm myself.
"Why?... What will you do?" She inquired, her gaze fixed on mine.

"You know exactly what I can do." I replied through my teeth after recalling how I had damaged the pearls of her dress in Lucknow.

She glared at me before glancing away, and struggled to get her hand free from my grip. She looked at me when she failed and said, "Let me go... You're crossing your limits."

"I haven't even started to cross the limit, Khushi. And on top of that, I'm your husband." I drew her in closer and looked her in the eyes. I pushed her hair away from the back of her neck with my free hand, then clenched the back of her dress and stared at her in the eyes.

"I don't take you as my husband. Now... please let me go." She said it quietly, looking over my shoulder. "You're hurting me."
That was the moment I realized what I had done. What I was going to do.

Hariprakash knocked on the door before I could let go of her. And before I looked at him, I pushed her hair on her back.
"Nani Ji's calling you and Bhabhi." He explained keeping his eyes on the ground.
"We're coming."

Nani stared at both of us and asked, "What happened to you both?"
"He threw coffee at me." Khushi responded immediately, as Nani asked. And refused to look me in the eyes.
I tilted my head at her before turning to Nani and saying, "She threw tea at me... The entire pot."
"He was the one who did it first." She grumbled as she rubbed her wrist. Which was red... Because of me.
"Then I'll take it, you both are done fighting for today?" Nani asked with a smile. "If that's the case, get ready. We're going to the temple. Anjali Bitiya wanted to visit."

"I'll just stay at home then." Before I could respond, Khushi replied with a small smile.
Nani nodded and stated, "I understand."
"Are you okay?" I asked, pointing at Khushi's wrist after Nani left.
"Why do you care?" She said, before heading for the stairs.
I followed her before turning her around and trapping her between the window and me. She glared at me once, then looked around.

I took her chin on my fingers, turned her to face me, and smiled slightly as she avoided my gaze.
"What did you say?"... You don't take me as your husband?" I asked.
When she didn't respond, I added, "You will come running in my arms and accept me as your husband before today ends."
When I was through, she glanced at me, leaned in, and said, "We'll see."
"We'll see."


I stood in the living room, waiting for Khushi to run into my arms. To accept me as her husband. And I was sure. I was sure she would run to me because I had planned everything out.
The light suddenly went out and I looked around me for Hariprakash but soon, I noticed her running downstairs in the dark. But she came to a halt when she noticed me standing, then ran to me.
As she put her arms around my neck, I wrapped my arms around her waist and back and lifted her off her feet into an embrace. I closed my eyes and buried my face against her shoulder, clinging to her.

"Where were you?" Her voice broke down in sobs. "I was so scared."
"It's okay. I'm right here... Why were you scared?" I said while I got worried and the lights turned back on.
I saw her crying after she broke the hug. I reached her and wiped her tears away, saying, "Why are you crying?" But before she could respond, I remembered... She's scared of the dark...
"Shh... It's fine. The lights are back." Hariprakash rushed in as I hugged her again while she sobbed.

"I'm sorry, Bhaiya. I accidentally turned off the wrong lights. Should I turn it off again?" He continued to apologize, but I motioned for him to leave with a wave of my hand.
"So, do you now accept me as your husband?" I joked and tried to divert her as I stroked her back to calm her down.
Khushi froze, slowly unwrapped her hands around me, and took a step back as soon as I finished. Not understanding why, I took a step toward her. But she took another step back and raised her hand to stop me.

"You..." Her voice trembled as a tear streamed from her already-red eyes. "... You did this?"
"I wanted to surprise you, Khushi. I..."
"You did this? You, of all people? ..." She demanded as her voice laced with disbelief. Her lower lips trembled as another tear spilled, while my heart shattered into pieces by seeing her like that. By seeing her in such pain.
"Khushi, I..." I started but stopped when the main door opened and my entire family walked in. Fantastic. Only they were missing.
"You knew... You knew I was scared of the dark." She stated as tears streamed down her cheeks and she sobbed.

"Chote?" Nani called as she neared alongwith the family and glanced between Khushi and me.
"How could you do this? ... I... I told you because I trusted you. I..." She spoke through her tears, her voice breaking. "...How could you?"
"Khushi, trust me. I had no intention of scaring you. I just wanted to surprise you." I pleaded and tried to make her understand as my own voice cracked.
"By turning off the lights?... When you know how much I'm scared of the dark," Her hands began to shake as she spoke. "I had even told you the reason. I told you why. But... Still? Still, you did this?"

"Khushi..." Payal started to near Khushi but Aakash stopped her with a hand around her.

"Chote, what happened?" Nani asked. "Why is Khushi Bitiya crying?"
"Khushi, It wasn't intentional. Please..." I told her this while ignoring Nani. Because she was sobbing and shaking all at once. And I can't see her this way. My chest was tightening after seeing her cry like this. My heart ached by seeing her in so much pain.
But before I could say anything, I saw her tear-filled eyes gradually close as she fainted.

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