we were to close to the stars.

Começar do início

"We're almost done in here, We just have to finish up in the faculty room next. Some circuits blew in there over the break."

Eleanor feels Ricky gaze in her and she looks up at him for a second before turning back to face their teacher, leaning her head against his arm.

"Unfortunately, the show cannot go on."

Eleanor her eyes widden. No. No this can not be happening.


"Fire ripped trough half of your costumes, And the sprinkles ruined a bunch of your sets.  I'm sorry but I'm gonna have to red tag the entire backstage area for a month atleast." The fire fighter explains, she then hands miss Jenn a basketball which is almost totally black burned smoke still coming from it.

"Did she just say costumes?" Kourtney asks as the others are just quiet, lost for words. They can't do the musical?

"Okay, okay listen up." Miss Jenn turns back around to face them. "Hug your neighbour, take a moment. And let's all meet in the cafetaria after school to talk about options. Nini and Ricky, spread the world."

"Got it, yeah ofcourse." Nini answers, however Ricky doesn't answer, Eleanor turns to him to see him typing on his phone.

"Ricky?" When he doesn't answer, Miss Jenn repeats herself this time louder. "Ricky?"

Ellie gently shoves her elbow in his side causing him to give her a look, she nods towards miss Jenn.

"Huh?" Ricky looks up from his phone. "Sorry, After school in the cafetaria. got it."

"I can't believe this." Eleanor mumbles as they exit the room. "It can't be over, can it?"

Ricky sighs softly, pressing a kiss onto her forehead.

"I'm afraid so. I don't know what we could do." He says honestly.

She sighs softly before catching Seb's eye. "I'm quickly gonna check up on Seb, okay?"

Ricky nods. "Yeah, I'll see you at lunch?" He asks.

She nods her head, quickly pecking his lips before making her way to her best friend.

"Hey." Seb smiles sadly as the girl appears next to him.

"Hi." She sighs, interwining their arms. "This sucks."

Seb nods in agreement. "It does. How are you doing?"

Eleanor shrugs her shoulders. "You know that theatre is my safeplace. I can just forget about everything, act like someone I'm not. I feel as comfortable as I can be in there. I don't want it to be over."

"I get that. But there should be a way to keep it going. Maybe find another place to do the musical."

So that is exactly what they did.


Right now, Eleanor is walking in the El Rey, People are holding flashlights as they walk trough the dark hallway, If you asks her it's all just a little creepy in here.

LOVER || r. bowen¹ ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora