6 - Cover

62 4 5

There is a typo in this, and that is intentional. that's because i did it in the second chapter of the first book, and it was in the opposite way. full circle moment complete. 

Lets see if you can point it out...

Elizabeth's POV

"Why are we doing this again?" I ask him, looking to my side at him.

His great plan was to ride our bikes, well mine and Oliver's, around town and find places that would make perfect album covers. Now, I don't sing or plan an instrument, Anthony does. I am just a wanna be photographer who, according to many of my friends and teachers, has an amazing eye for the skill.

"Because I need a single cover for my new single I wrote, so I can upload it to SoundCloud." He tells me.

"Ok fine. What's the vibe of it?" I ask him, before he stops in front of me, causing me to stop.

"Here." He tells me as he pulls out his air pods and hands me one, "Listen to it with me. Then you'll understand the vibe."

He presses play, and it begins.

'Let's get one thing right,

I like you, you like me.

All we need is a

Match to start this night.

We could get high

We could get drunk

We could run this town,

And not remember a thing.

But I don't care if we do any of that or not,

Cause girl, all I want is you.

That one red dress,

Runs my mind up walls.

And those lips with that red paint,

Makes me want to touch them with my own.

We could get high

We could get drunk

We could run this town,

And not remember a thing.

But I don't care if we do any of that or not,

Cause girl, all I want is you.

Oh, girl,

I cant tell if our liking is mutal

Or all made up in my mind.

Oh, girl,

I don't know if I can let you go,

If we end up becoming more.

We could get high (I do it with you)

We could get drunk (but im already drunk from you)

We could run this town, (Cause I just want to)

And not remember a thing. (but I really really want to)

But I don't care if we do any of that or not,

Cause girl, all I want is you.

Yeah girl, all I want is you,

Because we could become an us'

I love it when he shows me his songs. They always blow my mind.

"Thoughts?" he asks me.

"I love it. And I think I know just the place to go in town to take a cover for this." I reply to him.

So, I speed up my pace, and so does Anthony, and we ride out to the one destination in town I know would be perfect. With every twist and turn throughout the town, I think of the angels I want to use.

When we reach our destination, I place my bike up against a tree, and Anthony does the same, before I pull out the camera from my backpack.

"Ok, so just stand anywhere you feel comfortable, and pretend you are looking at the girl in the song, whether you look at me or in the distance, it doesn't matter. Got it?" I ask of him.

"Whatever you say, boss." He says as he goes and stands against a pole, and he flops his hair in front of him, to give it more volume before he leans against said lamp post and leans on it more.

And I take some pictures, going in different angles and in different poses.

"Ok, come and look at these, and tell me what you think of them." I say as he runs over towards me.

I show him the pictures I took, and he points out all the ones that have potential with some editing, and he isn't afraid to tell me that some of them don't fit at all, those ones I delete on the spot.

"Ok, I want to try something. But I need you to be in the picture." He tell me, "But I want to take the picture, that ok?" He asks.

"Ok. Just tell me where you want me. And please don't break my camera, it took me a long time to save up for it." I tell him.

"It's ok, E, I wont drop it." He tells me, "I need you to change your appearance abit before we start though. Can you take your hair out and have it rest on your shoulders, and put this," he takes his red flannel from his waist, "just so the red matches up." He finishes.

I take it from him, placing it on me, before having it hang off my shoulders, and going to stand with my back to him and the camera, and I hold onto the pole he was against, and lean outwards from it. I let my head hang from the side. After I hear a camera click, I lean back up right, still having a hold of the pole, and turn only my head over my right shoulder and look back at him through my hair, and he takes a second picture.

"Anything else you want to try?" I ask him once I'm up right and walking towards him.

"Just one. Am I aloud to hand this from a tree?" he asks me.

"Depends on the sturdiness, why?"

"Don't ask, just trust." He tells me.

"Ok then, but let me help hang it up." I say, cautiously.

So, we go and find the best tree and hang it up, making sure it facing where we want it, and that its close enough so then we can see it and so it can capture what ever it is he wants to snap.

"So, what is this idea?" I ask him, pulling it flannel back up over my shoulders.

"We need to, sort of embrace or dance in a way, so it sees to fit the theme of it all. That, ok?" he asks me.

"Sure. But the longest timer we have is 30 seconds." I say, unsure.

"Ok, you stand out in the middle of the road, and I'll press this." He tells me, so I walk out there.

"Ok, 3 2 1." He says before speed walking over.

I cautiously wrap my arms around his neck, and his go around my waist. "It's ok, it's just me E." he tells me before placing him forehead to mine, then we see a flash coming from the camera.

We both pull away from each other, and go over to the camera slowly.

I take it down, and take a look at it.

"That's it, that's the one." He whispers over my shoulder.

"Ok, I'll edit it up, and send it to you." I tell him, placing it back in its case, then my bag. "Come on, lets go back to mine, so I can get this done now." Tell him, handing him the bike he's using and grabbing my own. 


 Did you find it? 

Also i wrote the song in this :)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2023 ⏰

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