2 - The dorks.

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Alex's Pov

God! I've been married to my husband for 15 years in 2 days. That's scary and exciting.

I love my husband, but I don't trust our daughters.


Because I overheard that they were planning something while we are away. But I decided to hide it from willie, just because kids sometimes just need to be kids. And if that means having a get together (I'm in denial about what it is, sue me) while we are away, so be it.

I trust they won't do anything stupid... I think.

"So, tell me love, where are we going on this lovely trip of ours?", my husband turns his head to look up at me, as he lays on my chest, as we are laying on the couch to ask me, "I have been dying to know ever since you told me."

"Well, I can't tell you that, it'll ruin the surprise."

"You know, sometimes I hate you, because I hate surprises. But then I think of all the surprises you've given me, then that makes me love you even more".

He finished that with a boop to my nose, and he, for an ungodly reason, steals my glasses from my face. "You know I need those, right?"

"No, because I'm convinced that you only wear them to look cute all day." He tells me, lowering them from his face onto the end of hid nose, before winking my way.

"Ew, please stop flirting with one another? Just for five minutes? Because that would be great." Abagail says to us as she walks in the door, returning from the Patterson's.

"Well, no, but just know, one day you'll love someone as much as we love each other, and you'll act like this everyday as well." Willie tells her with a smug look on his face.

"Yeah yeah, whatever." And she rolls her eyes with a smile on her face as she walks up the stairs to her room.

"Do you think she knows we're dorks?" I whisper to my husband.

"I think so. I mean, I think we're dorks, but I know she thinks we're dorks." He looks up at me again.

"Come on. We've gotta start packing for our trip." I tell him, while stealing back MY glasses.

"Do we have to?" he whines out to me.

"Luv, we need to pack for our trip. Or otherwise, we aren't going."

"Ugh, finne."

And he gets up, reaches his hand out to me, and pulls me up.

That entire afternoon was spent packing and throwing clothes at one another, because why not?

Willie and I can have fun on our own, (Get your heads out of the gutter if it went there), we like to play games. With our daughters, we would always play monopoly, and we would all get very competitive, we also always use to play a lot of scrabble, but we all just started to get so stressed out by everything else around us that we just... stopped.

I love my family. So much fun happens in this house, and yes, we sometimes have our down times, and that's ok. I understood it more after I graduated with my psychology degree. I shows me that these times need to happen sometimes, it sucks sure, but sometimes the bad times, makes us appreciate the best times and good times even more.

Family is important to me, always has been, because my parents and sister always weren't there for me as much as I needed them to be, so I made my own found family with my friends. Until I Met Willie. My Love.

We're getting sidetracked.

No, we're not, what am I talking about?

The love for my family and my friends are higher than I ever thought possible.

The past 16 years have been amazing.

We adopted our daughters 14 maybe 15 years ago, so they've been here with us for most of their lives. And let me tell you, it was the best decision we have ever made. We both love our children with all of our hearts.

"Oh husband?" Willie calls out to me.

Did he just speak during my monologue? "Yes dear?"

"What are we wanting for dinner tonight?"

"Lets just order in some Chinese food. I don't really feel like cooking tonight."

"Neither do I. Usual place?"


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