"Vansh. What is this?" He asked furiously showing him the paper.
Vansh went towards him and took the paper in his own hands. And of course he was shocked.

"How did you?"

"You tell me Vansh, what is it? You loved each other right? Then why?"

"Chacha ji...please understand. It is not what you think like."

"Then what else does divorce mean? HUH? Tell me?"

Hearing the noises from the lobby Chachi and Dadi also came.
"What is happened?" Dadi asked.

"Maa... Vansh and Ridhima have filed for a divorce." Rudra answered.

"What but why? Vansh what is happening?"

Vansh let his heads down, "It is my fault dadi. So now..."

"Now you will just divorce her." Chanchal asked, "Vansh, if you have done something wrong or there is a fight you can solve that but directly coming to divorce..."

"It not as easy..."

"Is marriage a joke to you? It has not been a whole year yet and you guys are just... where is Ridhima? Call her?" he asked a maid there to call Ridhima.

"Chacha ji please don't drag her in this. It is not her fault." He pleaded but who would listen to him.

"No.... but I want to know the reason."

After a few minutes Ridhima came. She sensed the discomfort in the surrounding.

"You called me, chacha ji?"

"Yes... I called you. Ridhima I just want an answer to my question, so I hope you tell me the truth."
Ridhima nodded nervously.

"Why are you two getting divorce?"

Ridhima looked at Rudra for a few seconds and then at Vansh who was already looking at her.

"Ridhima don't be scare please. Tell us, did you two had a fight? Did he said anything to you?"

Dadi came towards her.

Ridhima looked down binked her eyes not knowing what to say.

This situation was just too unexpected to her, she forgot how to react.

Vansh took a deep breath, "It is all my fault from the start." And everyone looked at him. "I..... I for...forced her marry me."

"Forced her? Why?" Rudra asked.
"Be...Because I wanted revenge."

He was breathing heavily. "I wanted revenge for Sia. That day when she fell I got to know that some girl had intentionally pushed her. And that someone was Ridhima." Now everyone was shocked, "I thought that I will torture her a little until she will feel the pain also, and I did. I did very bad things to her. But... but then.... Then Sia came into conscience. I thought she would be mad at me for marrying someone who literally tried to kill her but she didn't ever recognize her. And then I got to know that.... that Sia never did that." he chuckled as eyes tears fell. "I was fooled. I was so into anger that I forgot what is right and wrong."

There was dead silence. But then the sound of a slap echoed through the walls. Dadi slapped Vansh. Ridhima looked at them with wide eyes tears flowing nonstop.

"This was not what we taught you?" she said in anger. "An innocent girl had been suffering in this house and we didn't even knew. I always told to control your anger you never know what it can do." She turned to Ridhima and walked towards her, Ridhima was just looking down not being able to even look at Dadi. "And you never said anything to anyone, just kept on suffering. I am really sorry for what Vansh did to you, I never expected him to do such things. You were alone all this time and none of us was able to see it. We are really sorry. I hope you can forgive," She was about to join her hands but Ridhima held her hands and did not let her do it.

"No....no... dadi. Pl..ease don't say that. You have cared for me all this time like I was your real daughter. Please don't say that. I should be thanking all of you for giving me this much love."

"But this shouldn't have been the way you come as a bride. He has done very wrong and he should be punished for it." Vansh was just listening to his grandmother looking down. "And now I want to ask you do you want to leave him? I know you would not have been happy with him. So tell me are you willing to leave or is he now just feeling guilty that is why he has decided to let you go because you were never the one? Tell me Vansh, is it because you never loved her just wanted to play revenge and now that your plan has failed you want to get rid of her?"

"Dadi.... Please understand... I don't want to get.... I lo...love her." he says these words while looking at Ridhima. "But I don't want to keep her in this marriage when she herself isn't happy. Yes I feel guilty I feel guilty every second I look at her face. I am not able to coup up now. That is why..."

"I don't believe you. First you forcefully married her and then pretended like a lovey dovey husband. I.... I don't know what to say... you really played with us. Kept us is delusion, and now you think I can believe you. Ridhima you tell me what do you want?"

Not His LoveTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang