Chapter 18

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It was already late in the evening when Tony decided to go upstairs to get them a drink when Pepper called him. He tried to answer the call, but found himself paralyzed.

JARVIS obviously informed Athena of this and showed her the video footage from upstairs. Athena was glad that they never told Stane she was working with Tony, otherwise she would probably be screwed.

"Breathe. Easy, easy" Stane slowly lowered Tony's head down to the couch.

"You remember this one, right?" Stane held up a small device, probably the thing that paralyzed Tony.

"It's a shame the government didn't approve it. There's so many applications for causing short-term paralysis." Stane moved over to the front of the couch, so that he was now standing in front of Tony, rather than behind him.

"Ah, Tony" The way he said this made Athena want to teleport up and choke him to death, her anger even causing the room temperature to increase slightly. But his next words made her struggle even more to keep her powers under control: "When I ordered the hit on you, I worried that I was killing the golden goose."

Stane took out a strange device, about the size of the arc reactor. Athena feared that he wanted to quite literally rip the reactor out of Tony's chest, since he had apparently already tried to kill him in Afghanistan, so who says he wouldn't try again?

"But you see, it was just fate that you survived that" Athena pressed her hands on her mouth, to prevent herself from screaming, which would only alert Stane of her presence, when he placed the device on the arc reactor. Athena could hear Tony gasp in pain.

"You had one last golden egg to give" By now the arc reactor was in Stane's hand, and Athena realized she couldn't just watch Tony get killed, but she also couldn't let Stane know she was there. So instead, Athena got up and teleported to where she had left the very first arc reactor. Grabbing it, she turned her attention back to the hologram in front of her, which showed the CCTV footage from upstairs.

Alpha informed her that Tony would still survive for a few minutes, if Stane didn't hurt him, which calmed Athena down, even if just a tiny bit.

"Do you really think just because you have an idea, it belongs to you?" 'Yes. That's exactly how it works!' Athena was so angry that the temperature in the workshop was now at 30° Celsius.

"Your father, he helped give us the atomic bomb. Now what kind of world would it be today if he was just as selfish as you?" 'A better world' Athena whispered to the screen in front of her, not quite believing what she was seeing.

Stane ripped the arc reactor out of Tony's chest, and Athena could only imagine how much pain Tony was feeling. She really didn't want him to get hurt, but Stane was pretty much telling them all their plans, so as much as she hated it, Tony had to resist for a little more.

"Oh, it's beautiful" Stane admired the arc reactor in his hand, and Athena agreed with him for once.

"Oh, Tony. This is your Ninth Symphony" Stane sat down next to Tony, as if they were just having a chat, and not that he was killing Tony. "Ah. What a masterpiece. Look at that. This is your legacy."

"A new generation of weapons. With this at its heart" It was to be expected, but a chill ran down Athena's spine at Stane's words. Weapons powered by the arc reactor. Athena didn't want to imagine how much destruction those could cause.

"Weapons that will help steer the world back on course, put the balance of power in your hands. The right hands."

"I wish you could see my prototype" Stane took out a small box and laid the Arc reactor inside. 'Well it's definitely worse than what we made, that's for sure' Athena crossed her arms in front of her chest.

"It's not as, well it's not as conservative as yours. Too bad that you had to involve Pepper in this. I would have preferred if she lived" Athena had to try extremely hard not to set him on fire, the thought of Pepper getting hurt or even dying because of her was too much.

Stane now stood up and walked away.

When Stane turned around a corner, Athena immediately teleported in front of Tony, the old arc reactor in her hand. She crouched down next to Tony and carefully inserted the arc reactor where it belonged, so that it could keep Tony alive once more.

Not even two minutes later, Tony had regained some control over his body. Both Tony's and Athena's heads snapped towards the front entrance, where Rhodey came in, calling for Tony. "What the hell happened? Pepper said Obadiah ordered to kill you or something" Rhodey now rushed towards where Tony was still sitting on the couch.

Athena sighed and explained: "Yea, it was Stane who ordered the Ten Rings to attack him in Afghanistan. And now he even paralyzed Tony and stole his arc reactor"

"This is the first prototype I built in that cave." Tony explained when Rhodey looked at the arc reactor in Tony's chest with a questioning look.

"Where's Pepper?" Athena asked, panic lacing her voice. "She's fine. She's with five agents. They are about to arrest Obadiah" Rhodey answered. Athena and Tony looked at each other for a second, before Tony said: "That's not going to be enough"

Tony stood up, stumbling slightly, but Athena caught him before he could fall to the floor. They went down to the workshop as fast as they could and Tony got suited up in the Mark III armour. "That's the coolest thing I've ever seen" "Not bad huh" Tony answered, now fully suited up. Athena just watched the robots to their job. "Let's do this" she said, stepping forward, now in full battle armour.

Rhodey just stared at her. After a few seconds, he managed to ask: "How did you do that?" "Magic" Athena answered, and it was the truth. What she was using was magic, but of course, magic didn't exist on earth, so she didn't know exactly either. "You saw nothing" Tony added and fired his repulsor to move the already demolished car out of the way.

"You need me to do anything else?" Rhodey called. "Keep the skies clear" Tony answered and closed his helmet.

1083 words

Yesterday it took me a solid 20 seconds to remember how to spell before in german (it's 'bevor' btw). I'm too used to writing in english.

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