Chapter 13

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Athena's wings were wrapped around her and Tony and her head was buried in his shoulder. For the first time in at least ten years Athena had told someone about her powers and it went surprisingly well.

After a few seconds Athena pulled back and let her wings disappear again. She was now back in her usual clothes.

"You have to tell me how you do that. The changing clothes like that I mean" Tony said. "Well, to be honest I have absolutely no idea. I don't know how it's even possible that my wings can just vanish or how I can shapeshift into a phoenix-" Athena explained, but was cut off by Tony: "You can shapeshift?"

"Oh yeah, I sort of forgot to mention that. But there is more I didn't show you yet" Athena replied and took a few steps back. Tony watched curiously.

He was left speechless when suddenly Athena was gone and a beautiful golden-red phoenix stood in her place. It was at least three meters tall with huge wings pressed against its side.

Athena didn't know how to interpret Tony's expression, which could either be horror or surprise, she thought the first one was more likely. The voices also suggested admiration but Athena didn't believe them. That is until Tony decided to break the awkward silence.

"Wow. That's- not what I was expecting" "In a good way?" Athena asked nervously.

"In a good way, obviously" Tony answered almost immediately. He didn't want Athena to think she was a monster or anything like that.

JARVIS decided to interrupt the two, much to Alpha's dismay, by announcing that the Mark III was finished.

Athena turned back into her human form and followed Tony to the workbench, where JARVIS had placed the last of the metal pieces down for Tony and Athena to inspect. After a quick check the robot took it and Tony walked forward, so he could get suited up.

"How fast can you fly?" Tony asked while he waited for the robot to finish assembling the suit around him.

"Mach 7 in my human form, Mach 11 fully transformed" Athena answered nonchalantly, as if the world record for an airplane wasn't Mach 6.7.

"WHAT" Tony thought nothing about this girl could shock him anymore, but he was very wrong. Athena just smirked at him and summoned her wings.

"Can you even fight?" Tony asked. "Of course, I can fight even better than you" Athena retorted and took out her dual-sword or however it was called. The two blades were currently hidden in the handle, so Tony looked at her and asked if she wanted to throw that at someone's head.

He was silenced quickly when with a quick movement from Athena's hand two sword blades shot out from either side of the handle. "Never mind" Tony said and stepped away from the robots.

He was fully suited up with his helmet covering his face. "What if someone recognizes you?" Tony asked. Right after he asked the question a mask appeared, covering the front of Athena's face except her eyes and the rest of her head was covered by a black helmet. "I'd like to see someone try to recognize me like this" Athena's voice came from the com in Tony's helmet.

"Oh hey, you decided to take me on the trip too. How nice" Alpha mocked Athena, who hadn't spoken to her AI since she revealed her powers to Tony. Athena simply rolled her eyes and told Tony to keep up.

Tony was confused for a second, until he remembered how fast Athena could fly. "WHAT?" he shouted into the coms when Athena disappeared. "Oh right, I can teleport too. I guess I forgot to tell you that. Everything under 1 kilometer is fine, more and it gets too tiring" Athena answered "Now hurry up, I'm waiting" she added when Tony made no move to fly out of his mansion.

Iron Phoenix | Tony Stark x ocDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora