part seven- fingers

Start from the beginning

"jj are you in there?" a voice called from outside the twinkie, followed by a fist pounding on the door. jj slapped his hand over avery's mouth and hovered over her while is fingers remained inside of her. "yea i'm kinda in the middle of something" jj replied smirking down at the girl beneath him, ever so slightly moving his fingers. "uhh sorry- dude have u seen aves" the voice called again. it was definitely john b. "yea she was with some girl from school" jj lied so effortlessly. "i told you to watch her" jb called again "i'm not her babysitter, she seemed good" he assured "well now i can't find her" john b told him

"jb as much as i would love to have this conversation with you, can you please go away- i'll find you after" jj groaned at his best friend for interrupting him. "oh yea- sorry, gross my bad" john b shriveled in disgust and walked away.

"where were we" jj smirked down at the girl beneath him before curling his fingers inside of her again. he went to go move his hand from her mouth, but she stopped it before he got too far, bringing it down to her neck. "oh aves" he moaned at the sight of her all worked up with one hand around her neck and the order inside of her.

he brought his thumb to rub her clit and she sucked in, causing jj to choke her harder. "jage" she whispered as he released his hold on her. he moved his free hand so that he was resting his forearm in her lower stomach, and used that thumb to rub her clit, focusing his other hand on fingering her.

she moaned and grabbed his golden hair, his rings still on her fingers. "jj i'm-" she was cut off "do it" he told her. the girl had cum all over his fingers and it was almost as hot as when she did it directly in his mouth. jj brought his fingers to his mouth and cleaned his hands up while avery recovered.

avery lifted herself up to meet jj, before lightly pushing him so that he was on his back now. "i wanna practice" she smiled as she pulled his shorts down and began practicing her almost perfected blowjob skills.

about 20 min later when the two had cleaned up, and made themselves look less like sex, the exited the twinkie. jj went first, and told avery to wait a min and if she heard him knocking on the door she was good to go.

"i was told you were looking for me" avery asked walking to to john b "yea where the hell have you been aves" john b asked "i went for a walk with some girls from my math class" avery jumped onto jjs lie from earlier "i thought you didn't like anyone from your math class" john b asked "oh my god stop grilling me. i don't but i thought i'd try to get to know them, jesus" avery rolled her eyes and wondered off to get another drink.

"give her a little room to breathe john b" sarah laughed into her boyfriends shoulder. avery came back double fisting her drinks "are you trying to black out?" john b asked. sarah nudged his side, trying to hint at leaving her alone. avery ignored him and chugged her drinks effortlessly.

"i'll go find you a water" pope offered, getting up from his log. 20min later avery's world was spinning. thankfully she wasn't throwing up or anything as dramatic as last time.

"i wanna danceee" she spoke upon hearing her favorite song. "really? nobody wants to dance with me?" she frowned. jj sighed knowing that if she asked he wouldn't be able to say no to her. just his luck. "come on jage i know you want to" she said grabbing his hand and abandoning the group. john b rolled his eyes and gave his friend a thumbs up for good luck. maybe he'll actually keep an eye on her this time.

"you're pretty" avery smiled "you're definitely drunk now" jj laughed, spinning her in a circle to the music "i mean it, you're realllyyy prettyyyy jayyy" she told him "wanna hear a secret?" he asked her "mhm" she replied. he leaned in to her ear "i think you're pretty too" he told her. as he leaned back he widened his eyes at her jokingly, although hers were probably going to fall out of her head "really" she smiled up at him. he nodded, spinning her again. the pair continued to dance until avery was falling over and leaning onto jj

"alright come on" jj tried to drag her off the dance floor, deciding it was time for her to leave. "but i wanna stayyy" she told him "but you can barely stand uppp" he mocked her. suddenly avery was scooped up by another pair of arms "if she wants to stay let her stay" the voice said. jj had never seen him before, he must be a touron.
"who the fuck are you" he asked "the guy she's gonna stay and dance with" the guy replied, turning around with avery.

suddenly jj was in front of them again "dude she's obviously wasted, let her go, whatever sick thing you're thinking isn't gonna happen" jj threatened "oh yea? and what are you gonna do about it" the guy challenged, putting a hand on avery's ass causing her to cringe at his touch "let go of me" she mumbled, trying to push him off. seeing avery's discomfort was enough to send jj off the rails.

"i'm gonna cut your fucking hand off and shove it up your fucking ass if you don't stop fucking touching her" jj huffed. the guy tried to grab onto avery again, earning a punch in the face from a very pissed off jj. the two circled around and on top of each other in the sand, until a circle formed around the two of them. jj had the upper hand but the touron got some solid punches in. "stay the fuck away from her you piece of shit" jj called. he was on top of the guy, grabbing him by his shirt and repeatedly punching his face.

pope and john b ran up to jj and grabbed him, ripping him off the tourons body, while some other strangers grabbed their friend. by now avery was sitting on the ground at the edge of the circle witnessing it all.

"tell your girlfriend i'll be seeing her" the guy spat. jj looked at john b before the two went after him again. this time john b got a couple more swings in before pope and a few more people from the cut grabbed the two boys and dragged them away from the touron. "try anything again and i'll rip your fucking dick off and use it as bait you asshole" jj threatened again. his heart was pounding along side of john bs. john b forgot why he let jj look after her when he was fucking some girl in the twinkie, but he soon remembered after he beat up some touron who was touching up in his sister.

the pogues found the twinkie and piled in. pope was driving, sarah in the passenger seat, and kie was in the back with the other three. avery sat in the middle, being squished by the two boys next to her. "did he touch you" john b asked, finally breaking the silence "what?" avery asked "did he fucking touch you" he repeated himself, forming his hand into a fist "i mean yea but-" she was cut off by the sound of john b punching the side of the car. "he didn't hurt me or anything" she tried to reassure him. he didn't mention anything else. john b and jj were fuming, and avery could feel it. everyone could. her buzz had worn off during the car ride thanks to the over protective pair beside her.

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