Part 13- I don't know how, but we did it!

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"So, what was it you wanted to discuss with me?" GL asked.

"Well- um- we-" Screech stuttered.

"We wanted your permission if we could go to Poland." Dupe explained.

"Poland?" GL looked surprised and shook her head. "For whatever reason might you need to go to Poland? You need to work, and-"

"Yes, we know. But this is EXTREMELY important." I pleaded. I explained everything from the start to the beginning, leaving out the part we left our dorms to go to the library at night. I tried to make everything sound as real as possible. I showed her the book, and that must have done the trick because Gl stated nodding slowly.

"I see.....but may I see the room in the library?" GL asked.


We made a mistake.

Wasn't very big but was very inconvenient.  We locked the door last night, and we didn't get the hair clips from our dorm when we met GL. 

"Um- it's locked. Does anyone have the hair clips?" I asked awkwardly. 

"You used hair clips to get in?" GL was shocked.

"Yes, but doesn't matter right now." Eyes replied.

Screech sighed. "I guess I'll have to get them again." And she ran off.


"" Screech panted. I took the hair clip from her and used all my strength to unlock the door. As we entered, we noticed some of the folders and papers were missing. But at least the important ones weren't.

"Okay...fine. You proved it, so I suppose you can go..." GL sighed. "ONLY for 5 nights though. I'll call the monsters from April 1st in the meantime." 


So, it worked. All of that rule breaking paid off, and now we could continue to investigate. 

"So, we're going to Poland?" Eyes asked excitedly.

"Yes!" Everyone replied in unison.

So maybe I might use this as an excuse to go back to my home country Poland but we were on an important job. And we were going to get it done.

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