Part 4- One letter before bed won't hurt

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I looked out at the night sky. Stars shining fiercely, obsidian black sky, it would have been a perfect night out with friends.

But my friends had other plans. Eyes went to go star gazing with Halt (I don't like star gazing, I think it's boring), Screech went to bed early, so did Rush, and Dupe went with Halt and Eyes.

I had nothing better to do other than writing in this diary, so might as well write about it.

This diary is one of the most precious things I own. I can't risk losing it. It was given so I could write my deepest thoughts and to vent my feelings. It's a beautiful diary indeed, with an emerald green cover with silver moons and stars engraved. It was a gift from my favourite sister Helena on my 12th birthday. But now she's so far away. She is the duchess of Spain.

But now I have an idea. I shall write to Helena. I know where she is, and I could probably deliver it by the post office. 

But one problem. I only had a pen, and no paper. I had to look for some. 

But I didn't want to leave my warm dorm. It was freezing in the rest of the hotel. 

If I was lucky, perhaps I could find paper around my dorm. 

I began looking for some. I did find some paper, but they were all small scraps, all crumpled up and wrinkled as a raisin. 

Just as I was about to give up, something in the corner behind the wardrobe caught my eye. I approached it. I was happy to have finally found a piece of paper, but was disappointed when it already had writing.

The paper itself was old, yellow and dusty. The writing was faint but still readable. I skimmed through the letter, and to my surprise, it had my name. Well, my human name, not my human-entity name if you get what I mean. It did seem to be addressed to me. But why was it there, I wonder. I wonder why was I not given the letter. Why was it behind a closet if it was addressed to me?

Anyways, worry about those later. This is what the letter said.

My dear sister Amber,

It is with great warmth that I write to you again. How good it feels to write to you again, after all these years!

Now I must ask, how are you? I have missed you tons, and I do hope you feel the same. I must know, where are you now? I do hope you have found a nice and pleasing place where you might spend eternity.

After asking you, I must share my experience. It has been horrible, dear sister. Horrible, I say. Being duchess is so overwhelming and stressful. My husband pressures me to do things I like not. I feel watched, and on display. I am constantly under the public eye's view. And the etiquette is extremely strict here. I hope to get through this.

I hope you are okay, and remember that my gift is a part of me and will always be with you.

From your loving sister Helena, Duchess of Spain

So there, there is the letter my sister sent to me. I can't believe I only discovered it now. I will write back to her later, but for now I must go to sleep or else I will be reprimanded. Our rules are lights out at 10:45 pm, and be inside our dorms by 10 pm. And we can't leave unless if an emergency.

It's now 10:57, and we should be asleep by now. Dupe still hasn't returned.

I climbed into bed, pulled the red sheets over me and drifted off to sleep.

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