The guard opened the main gate as Taehyung took the car to the garage. She came out and immediately called a guard to help them taking the injured person inside. They took him to the door and pressed the bell. After a moment their housekeeper opened the door. Her eyes widened and she gasped.

"oh my God! What happened to him?"

"I'll tell you later aunty for now please open a guestroom for him." Eunseo said.

she nodded and immediately opened one of the guestrooms as they took him there and laid him down on the bed.

"Tae can you lend some of your clothes?"

"yeah of course. Aunty can you please take some out?"

She nodded and went out of the room.

"Tae ask Aunty to come here as immediately as possible."

Kim SooKyung, Taehyung's mother. She was one of the greatest doctors in Korea at the moment. She was Eunseo's mother's best friend as her mom and she had studied in the same university and because of them Eunseo met Tae.

Eunseo and Taehyung went to the same kindergarten, same elementary and high school. only the time they were separated was their university years as Eunseo went abroad for higher studies for business. After coming back she joined their company Daesang. She was supposed to be the president but didn't want to so soon. Taehyung also joined their company cause he wasn't much interested in being a doctor like his parents.

"Eunseo Mrs. Kim's here" the housekeeper said coming inside the room with another woman with her as Eunseo slightly bowed.

She wasn't that tall as Eunseo but had a classic appearance. Under her glasses, her eyes looked a little tired.

Their housekeeper Lee YuJin, She was their housekeeper from the day their parents were married.

After their parents were gone she was the one who took care of them and raised them. She was just like their mother and family member.

"Oh my God! Oh my God! What happened to him? Who is he? How did he get injured so badly? Why didn't you take him to to the hospital?" Mrs. Kim kept on bombarding them with questions.

"Mom, mom, we'll discuss them later for now please do something his condition isn't very good" Tae said stopping her from questioning more.

"but why did you bring him here? Isn't there any hospital in Seoul?"

"Mom please..."

"but he got a damn bullet it'll be hard to take it out here." she said examining his body.

"aunty please do something for now we'll explain everything later." Eunseo said with pleading eyes.

"ok. Tae help me I taught you basic things right?"

"Yes mom."

"Eunseo can you help cleaning his head and face?"

"yes aunty"

"hm but be careful. try not to hurt him"

A maid came with some necessary items and Eunseo took a small towel to clean the wounds of his face and head.

She wetted it with warm water and started cleaning his face and head then realized she didn't notice his face until then. She cleaned the bloods on his cheeks.

She cleaned his forehead and wetted the towel again when she looked at what Tae and Mrs. Kim were doing.

Tae removed his shirt and she immediately looked down being a good girl.

She finished cleaning his face and took the ice bag and rubbed it slowly on his head to stop the blood flow.

Her dress was stained with blood by then.

She looked at them again curious of what they were doing. That man was literally half naked! he had broad shoulders, perfect toned abs, slim waist, his arms muscled not like the body builders but just perfect.

'Ok Yoon Eunseo why were you being such a pervert huh? You were just curious about how surgery looked like right?' She scolded herself and focused on the doctor's actions then.

Tae held the two ends of the wound with surgical spoons while Sookyung entered a tweezer inside the wound.

She took the bullet out and kept it on a small tray. Then Tae pulled the spoon out and kept it aside. She wonder why didn't he become a doctor? He was literally helping in a surgery! And she couldn't watch it more so she decided to get out.

"aunty I'm done cleaning his wounds I'm going to take a shower." she said before hurriedly leaving.

She entered her room, went to the bathroom and turned the shower on. Warm water rolled down her body and she remembered the unknown person's face.

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