Part 5

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Eunseo and Taehyung went near the man lying on the ground
She turned the flashlight of her phone on. But they couldn't see his face clearly because of the blood.

"Hey mister? are you alive?" Taehyung being Taehyung asked the silliest question ever.

"Are you dumb? How can he answer if he's dead?" Eunseo said smacking his head.

The guy moved his head a little and opened his eyes slowly trying to adjust with the light.

"Oh my God you're alive!" Tae exclaimed a little loudly

"Shhh. Don't make noise." she said shushing him "Tae call an ambulance"

"N-no don't" the guy whispered.


"I said don't." this time he said louder than before. He tried sitting up only to fall again.

"b-but you're injured. If you don't go to hospital your condition might worsen"

"I'm okay I don't need to go." he said closing his eyes.

"are you dumb?" Tae asked

"don't call ambulance if I get admitted in hospital they'll get to know and I'll seriously be killed this time." he said whispering.

She sighed and asked, "what to do now?" she asked but he didn't reply.
His eyes were closed. 

"hello?" said Tae as he patted the person's arm lightly.

They figured out that he passed out.

"What should we do now?" Tae asked

"according to what he said he might again fall into danger if we take him to the hospital" She stayed silent for some moments before saying, "Let's take him to my house."

"wha-? Are you out of your mind? How can you take a stranger to your house?"

"But he'll die if we don't."

"I know Eunseo but you sure you'll be fine?"

"obviously. I won't say something like this without thinking. Plus world's lacking good people and I want to be superheroine." she said flipping her hair.

"what about Ella?"

"she's on a business trip don't you know?"

"oh yeah I forgot."

"now hurry up. Bring your car here and I'll watch him."

"ok be careful." he said before running to bring his car

She looked back at the person, Turned the flashlight off and put her phone in her her pocket. She took his head and carefully placed it on her thigh. She pulled out her handkerchief and placed it on his head trying to stop the blood flow then remembered about the gunshot.

''Where did he get it? Or it was someone else?'' she thought.

She again turned on the flashlight and examined his body. Gasped looking at the big wound on the right side of his body. Not too much blood was flowing. But It must had been painful.

She heard sound of car stopping as she turned around and saw Tae getting out of the car and coming towards them.

"help me to stand him up." he said and they somehow stood him up and took him to the car.

"open the door" Tae said and she used her left hand to open the door. "you sit at the back and hold him"


She sat on the back and put his head on her lap but it wasn't easy to fit him in the backseat because of his tall height. However, they drove off to her house.

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