She cut her eyes at me as nurses rushed in but again, I didn't give a fuck

"Dad, do you wanna deliver the baby?" One of the nurses asked me catching me off gaurd but I still said yes

They gave me this thing to put on and told me what to do, before I knew it I was seeing the head of my baby

This shit felt weird as hell like I'm really a dad

Mila started crying and screaming making me look at her then back down

In one more push my baby was out and I was just looking in shock before I cut the umbilical cord

They took her from me and cleaned her off then handed her to me, I was still staring though

"Joseon, hand me my baby." She playfully rolled her eyes then I gave her to her

"What's her name?" Riah asked

"Nahlia Amina Vale." She said the name that I picked out because she tried to give my lil girl some ugly ass white shit

The fuck is Savannah?

"That's soooo cute." Asani cooed

"It is." Riah and Nari agreed before her parents and siblings came in the room

Her momma spoke to me and I spoke back

Them nurses took Nahlia to get check ups and shots so I followed them because y'all ain't gon take my child

I watched them damn Lifetime movies

When they was done I just sat in the chair looking at Nahlia, I couldn't keep my eyes off her

"Babies be ugly when they born but Nahlia actually pretty." Nari said and I just shook my head

After like a couple hours all they ass left so it was just me, Mila, and our baby

"What made you almost miss your daughter being born?" She asked being petty

"I was sleep but you see I made it? My fault for not seeing yo calls but I can't do shit about it, I still made it and seen my baby be born." I said tryna brush the topic off

"Jos-" She started but I cut her off

I hate my bm wit her born premature ass

I'm playing

"I thought girls go to sleep after giving birth." I rocked Nahlia

"You right." She closed her eyes

"I hope youn look like yo momma." I played with Nahlia hand

"If you ain't have my baby right now I would slap you." She said

"Why?" I laughed

"You tryna call me ugly." She flicked me off with her eyes still closed

"You know how pretty you is, shut up." I mushed her head

"Thank you, I'm going to sleep now." She said and I nodded because I been told her to do that

I sat down with Nahlia and this girl came calling me but I declined so she just texted me, she still wanna fw me after I told her I got a baby on the way, Ion know why but Ian gon complain


Wyd? i'm bored ☹️
pull up on me !

Can't do that one

Why ?

@ the hospital My baby was born

So u rather be wit yo bm than me

I'm wit my daughter

Were your bm is at too

Damn ho u want me to walk out w da baby
U stupid n fa that u getting blocked

Sassy ass nigga

I'm sassy cuz u slow ?

After that bullshit I blocked her and deleted her number, my baby goddamn 3 hours old and you want me to just leave because you jealous

"Yo, why she throwing up like this?" I asked Mila trying not to panic assum shi

"Joseon, prolly because you didn't burp her." She rolled her eyes and took her from me

"I thought mufuckas do that on they own." I said and she cut her eyes at me

"You didn't pay attention to any of the videos we watched." She said, it was the truth

"Because you don't need no damn manual to take care of no child." I said

We already had talked about our rules and shit like that, we really agreed on everything each other was saying besides her dating and whoopings

I feel like Nahlia don't never need a boyfriend because these nigga ain't shit, she feel like he do but I already told her Ima shoot him.

Also her ass said she gon whoop Nahlia as some typa discipline but not wit a belt, she betta not do that shit around me because Ima whoop HER ass

"Whatever, I know you not gonna do nothing bad on purpose but." She started

"Every time you feed her, burp her or she'll throw up. I feel like you don't know this so don't take her a bath everyday when you do have her, she only need 2-3 times a week for now because she's a newborn." She said and I nodded

Me and her really don't got no type of arrangement, if I wanna see my kid Ima just go pick her up

"I gotta go to my house right quick to get some clothes." I pulled up my pants

"Okay." She said and I gave Nahlia a kiss before walking out

I got in my car and drove home, I packed some clothes and shit to brush my teeth and deodorant

I got in the shower for like 30 minutes then got out and just put on a white tee with Nike sweat pants and Yeezy slides before going back to the hospital

"You said right quick." She rolled her eyes rubbing Nahlia back

"Ion care, I'm here." I brushed her off putting down my bag

I laid down on the couch because I was sleepy den a bih but right when I closed my eyes, loud ass cries started

"I think she need changing, can you do it?" She asked and I nodded then got up even though I ain't want to

I changed her diaper and laid down putting her on my chest, I took my ass to sleep

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