Part 4

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"You said you know where he is." a man asked.
His face couldn't be seen properly because of darkness but he was tall and had broad shoulders and a small head. His voice was deep and cold.

"yes I do know" The other man who was in front him of said.
From this one's voice it wad clear that he wasn't any young guy. His height was average but his voice sounded kind of scary.

"then tell me"

"why should I?"

"duh! Didn't you ask me to meet for that?"

"nothing much.. Just your fuckin dead body under my foot." he said looking down at his fingernails.


"don't try to act fool Mister Kim." the old guy said and by the next moment four strong arms from behind had trapped him.

He took a step forward and unexpectedly pulled out a gun from the latter's jacket's pocket.

'Yup I am a fool.' he was blinded after hearing a specific name that he forgot he could be fooled. They used that name to lure him there.

"don't be surprised. We knew you'd bring these things with you. Everyone does that."

"why are you doing this?" he asked giving him the hardest glare he could.

"are you dumb? Of course to take your place. But I never thought it'd be so easy. You know what you're not even worth of the place"

'Yes I'm not.'

"how can people call you scary? In my opinion you're nothing else but an idiot. ok now enough time wasted. You must be sleepy. Don't worry I'll help you with that I'll give you a sleep from you can never wake up."

Suddenly he kicked him on his stomach as he groaned in pain.

"you fuckin ass! how dare you!" he said as he kicked him again and his minions started hitting him.

Them four and him alone..

He picked up the gun that fell from his hand and shot one's leg as he growled in pain.

The masked guy tried to stab him with a knife but he was faster enough to hold his hands and kick him.

He fell on the ground as another one came to fight. He had a rod in his hand.  He looked at his side and there was another one running to him. That was a golden opportunity. Their speed was similar. The man with rod was a little farer than the running man.

The running man was just going to hit him when he held his arm and grabbed his neck immediately, using him ad a shield. the man with rod hit him instead.


Such a great fighter he was ..... Until,

He felt the pain of bullet after a long time. He got a bullet just under his chest on the right side. This was the masked old guy. He again felt something strong hit his head. Thus time was the rod guy. He couldn't hold on anymore and with that fell on the ground...

The masked guy bent down and held his chin.

"What a pity. The third most dangerous mafia is on the ground." the old, guy laughed. "now this place is mine and your place is under the earth with thousands of insects."

Saying this he motioned the rod guy and he gave him the rod. "you know you were ever this easy to fool except when I used your brother's name. I wish I could show you him. Really pitiful." he said trying to act sympathetic as the other one tried to get up but hid head hurt. But that wasn't enough for the old hag. He hit him again on the head.
'Ok I can't die. Gotta use my acting skills'

He acted like dead and breathless, felt a pair of fingers under his nose. He was checking if he was really dead or not... He felt him getting up

"let's go"

"boss what about the body?"

"let him rot here. No one lives here so none will find him and even if someone does there's no clue that I killed him."

"as you say."

"don't rest in peace Kim." were his last words before he turned to leave and he finally breathed.

But again he heard footsteps passing by him. Then again going back...

Then again heard footsteps. But that time those were very faint. He felt someone bending down by him.

"hey Mister? Are you alive?" a deep male voice.

"are you dumb? How can he answer if he's dead." this time it was a female voice.

He opened his eyes slowly and saw a man and a woman bending down.

"oh my God you're alive" the man said getting excited.

"Shhh don't make noise."she said shushing him. "Tae call an ambulance"


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