15 ⚔️ Curse Mark

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Jessica glided gracefully to Wade's side, her visage flushed with the calamities that had unfolded. It was an astonishing revelation to her that despite her prowess as a human beast, she couldn't rescue either Wade or Richard. The chronicles of the events played before her like a mesmerizing tableau. She was rendered powerless, a mere spectator to the destruction of her beloved ones. Innocent souls, she thought, though they were dear to her.

She blinked fervently, yearning for it to be a mere phantasm, a nightmarish reverie. She longed to rouse herself to the realm of reality and embark on another hunt with Wade. The unvarnished verity weighed heavily upon her, but verity was often relentless. She opened her eyes once more, still desiring it to be a dream. Yet, it was no dream.

With a trembling hand, she raised her finger, pointing at Jack. Her digit ascended slowly, and Jack ascended with it, his lifeless form hovering above Wade. To ensure his demise, she raised her other hand, crafting a gesture akin to separation, and plucked Jack's heart from his body. She maneuvered her hand slightly, causing Jack to tumble beside Wade, his diminutive crimson heart rolling toward his outstretched hand, in proximity to his neck.

She comprehended that, no matter her actions, Wade could not be saved. She allowed both her hands to descend onto her thighs. Once again, she extended her hand, this time toward Zadar, Ron, and Raavi. She extricated Zadar from the treacherous quicksand, rekindled Ron's consciousness, and bolstered Raavi to regain her footing on her legs, facilitating their teleportation to a safer haven.

Frantically, she scanned the surroundings for Daisy. Yet, Daisy was conspicuously absent. She shut her eyes anew, attempting to locate her within her consciousness, but Daisy remained elusive. "She must have fled," Jessica surmised. She turned her gaze back to Wade, her eyes filled with remorse surpassing even her tears. Gingerly, she removed the shattered sword's blade from Wade's chest and rested her forehead upon his abdomen, suppressing her urge to weep aloud.

Memories flooded her mind of how Wade had saved her from the clutches of that human beast. The beast had ensnared her neck, poised to snuff out her life. "He vanquished the human beast with a single, decisive stroke," she recollected. "That day, I had discerned his true might. I had never imagined encountering anyone more formidable than him, someone capable of dispatching a fully grown human beast with a lone swipe of his sword. And then, We encountered Jack." Her mind wandered to the moment Richard had sacrificed himself to shield her.

"I was prepared to use my power to end him," she ruminated, "and yet, he allowed himself to be impaled in my stead. He knew I was a Human Beast, and Jack's blade possessed the potential to slay me. He could have allowed me to die, for Wade would have needed him more than me. But he thought otherwise. I hadn't even displayed sufficient valor to warrant such a sacrifice, and yet, two people died in the endeavor to save my life"

She spoke these sentiments aloud, unaware that her thoughts had found voice. To her astonishment, she heard the most mellifluous sound, one she had yearned to hear.

"Really?" The voice belonged to Wade, observing her lament upon his stomach.

Startled, she raised her head, as if confronted by a wondrous dream come to life. She gazed upon Wade, emotions of contrition and jubilation warring within her.

"How... How are you still alive?" Her words flowed hesitantly, for she had witnessed his demise with her own eyes. She doubted whether Jack could still be alive, but she knew Jack was not, for she had extracted his heart. Her gaze remained fixed upon Wade, who, despite the pain gnawing at his chest, wore a smile.

"I am alive. And I'd really appreciate you if you'd get off my stomach" he spoke in a jesting manner.

Perplexed and overwhelmed, she stuttered, "How? Why? What?" Her tongue seemed to resist the dictates of her mind.

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