Chapter 3

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It's been some days after I came
Mom found out about Caroline but she compelled her to forgot. I didn't see stefan again and caroline told the others that I am human but I know about Supernatural

Salvatore Boarding House

Caroline is sitting on the couch. Damon gives her a glass of blood.
Damon: Here.
Caroline: I'm still shaking.
She drinks. Stefan arrives.
Stefan: What happened?
Damon: Go ahead, tell him. You're gonna love this.
Caroline: I saw Katherine today.
Stefan: Where?
Caroline: At the Grill. I just stopped by to gawk and...quasi-stalk Matt.
Mystic Grill
[The flashback starts. Caroline tells them the story. She's looking at Matt; he sees her.]

Matt: Do you need a table?
Caroline: No, I'm not staying. I just needed to use the little girls' room.
Damon: Skip the teen drama and get to it.
Caroline: Then I had to pretend to use the bathroom even though I didn't really have to go because I'm a doofus.
[Caroline is in the bathroom. She's washing her hands when Katherine arrives. She poses as Elena.]

Caroline: Elena?
Katherine: Hey, I saw you with Matt, are you okay?
Caroline: Yeah, you know...whatever.
[Caroline tries to superspeed passed Katherine, but Katherine grabs her and pulls her back.]

Katherine: You're good. What gave me away? Was it the hair? Or was it my clothes?
Caroline: I know Elena is...I know Elena's at home.
Katherine: I need you to deliver a message.
Stefan: What was the message?
Katherine: Tell Damon and Stefan that I want the moonstone or I will rip this town apart until it rains blood.
Damon: Tell him the rest of it.
Katherine: Tonight, at the masquerade ball.
The flashback ends.

Stefan: She wants to do it in public. Killing Mason threw her off guard.
Damon: She's running scared. What she did to Jenna was desperate. She's out of tricks.
Stefan: We can't underestimate her. We have to play this smarter than her.
Caroline: Can we just give her the moonstone so she'll leave?
Damon: No, Katherine's not getting dick. I've had it. I'm gonna go to the masquerade ball and I'm gonna kill her, tonight.
Stefan: You're not gonna kill her.
Damon: Don't give me that goody-goody crap.
Stefan: You're not gonna kill her.
Damon: Really?
Stefan: Because I am.
Caroline called me to tell to go to the salvatore house so when I went I saw Bonnie getting there
Bonnie: oh hey clara
Clara: hey bon then
damon opened the door
Damon: bonnie and Clara...... come in
He was checking me up and down
Clara: it is nice to meet you
Caroline: Hey, come on in. Clara this is Alaric btw my history teacher Alaric this Clara my older sister.
Bonnie: I got Stefan's message.
Stefan: Hey, you brought the grimoire, thank you.
We see Damon and Alaric talking and she sees that there are a lot a weapon on the table.
Bonnie: What's going on?
Jeremy arrives.
Jeremy: We're gonna kill Katherine.
Stefan: I can explain.
Bonnie: Please.
Stefan: We're gonna kill Katherine.
Alaric shows the weapon to everybody.
Alaric: This works with compressed air. The trigger mechanism is up here. I have two of these in a different size. For you I recommend this. It fits nicely under the jacket sleeve. You use the trigger when you're ready.
He fakes killing a vampire. Damon and Stefan look at each other.
Alaric: You wanted me to show you how to kill a vampire.
Bonnie is talking with Stefan.
Bonnie: I know you love Elena and you want to be with her but it's risky. Too many people could get hurt.
Stefan: Look, I want Elena back, yes but it's more than that. What Katherine did to Jenna it crossed the line. She has to be stopped before it happens again.
Bonnie: I don't know, Stefan.
Stefan: Katherine knows me, right? She knows that I'm not gonna try something in a crowd full of innocent people so that gives me an edge. I could catch her by surprise.
Bonnie: I could do a spell to trap her, like the tomb spell.
Stefan: Right. We can isolate her, away from the others. Please Bonnie.
Bonnie: Okay.
Everyone is in the living room.
Alaric: Are you sure you guys don't want me there tonight?
Stefan: No, I need you to stay with Elena. I don't want her to know about this.
Alaric: Okay. Well, I'll make sure she doesn't leave my sight.
Stefan: Alright, if anybody wants to back out, I'll understand.
Damon: Yeah. Cold feet speak now. I don't want this going wrong if someone chicken's out. Caroline. And you Clara you can't come you are human
Caroline: I won't. Look, she killed me. Fair's fair. As long as there's no werewolf running around.
Clara: I wasn't even thinking about coming
Damon: Oh, I took care of Mason.
Jeremy: As long as Tyler doesn't kill anyone, he won't turn.
Stefan: Bonnie? Are you with us?
Long pause.
Bonnie: But no one gets hurt.
Damon: Except Katherine. Tonight Katherine gets a stake through her heart.

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