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It's officially Monday evening and all I can say is that whatever voice that was that whispered the remedy to my odd dreams. Knew what it was talking about. The weird thing is that I feel guilty in a way. I feel like I met them for some reason. I just don't understand it. I honestly feel like that large mass of darkness means something. What if I may be the key to stopping it or somehow putting and end to it all. I shook my head in frustration. Feeling a headache coming. I grab my water and chug it down.

I felt like it would just be best if I stopped drinking that tea and actually go back to their realm. I grabbed a slice of the lemon tart cake and ate it all in five minutes. About an hour later I found myself
Seeing the movement of everything in the room. I walk to the bathroom in my room upstairs and fill up the tub with the same herbs and salt I used the other day. I took a shower and then got in. Instantly relaxing and falling into a deep slumber.

I felt a huge sense of relief when I go back into their world

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I felt a huge sense of relief when I go back into their world. That relief soon made way for anxiety. I could hear the loudest of moans coming from down the hallway. I made my way to the door and I could hear more that one women and a man. I walked downstairs to see a group of men and women performing sexual acts on each other. Were they running a freaking brothel? I was disgusted at the sight of it all and felt very sick to my stomach I walked back up the stairs and and ran to my room.

Not noticing Lucien coming out from his study. I slam the door and lock it. Ready to leave and never come back. I had this strange sense of rage within me that I really couldn't seem to control. I really wanted to run back out here and open his door and bitch slap every single one of those women and then tell them all to get out. But I don't have the guts to do that and I'm not that kind of person

I sigh, sitting down on the edge of the bed. I had my face in my palms, I feel so defeated. I really don't know why I feel so strongly for this man. I've never had this type of energy towards anyone before. I could only imagine when we make love, I'd probably explode like a supernova. I get up from the bed and begin pacing the room. Why is it that he can't just satisfy his needs for energy using me? I sound so crazy, but I can't help myself from feeling the need to want to please him.

I got up from the bed and open the room door. I walk out of it and straight to the study. I wanted to spy and see if I could find out more information about these men. I lock the door behind me as I enter and walk inside.

I was enveloped in an atmosphere of timeless sophistication and intellect. The room was an homage to the past, a sanctuary for knowledge and reflection.

The walls were adorned with dark, mahogany wood paneling, exuding an air of authority and elegance

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The walls were adorned with dark, mahogany wood paneling, exuding an air of authority and elegance. Ornate bookshelves lined every inch of available wall space, each filled with leather-bound tomes that seemed to have weathered the ages. The spines of these books bore the weight of history, their titles written in gold leaf.

A grand, antique desk took center stage, its polished surface cluttered with an assortment of papers, inkwells, and a quill waiting for its next story to be penned. An aged leather chair was pushed up to the desk, bearing the marks of countless hours of contemplation.

The room was bathed in warm, subdued lighting from a crystal chandelier hanging from the ceiling, casting gentle shadows across the room. The chandelier's crystals caught the light and sparkled like stars in the night sky, lending an air of enchantment to the space.

In one corner, a fireplace stood tall, its mantle adorned with family portraits and artifacts from generations past. The hearth held a well-used but carefully preserved set of fireplace tools, a testament to the room's history.

The study was not just a repository of knowledge but a reflection of the family's legacy. Framed diplomas and accolades adorned the walls, and a large globe rested on a wooden pedestal, hinting at the worldly interests of its owner.

The scent of aged paper and leather lingered in the air, a comforting and nostalgic fragrance that spoke of countless hours spent in quiet contemplation. As I stood there, I couldn't help but feel the weight of history and the endless possibilities for exploration and discovery that this room held. It was a place where the past and the present converged, inviting me to lose myself in its timeless allure.

As I dug through the drawers of the antique desk in the plantation castle-like study, I found that all of them were locked. With a sense of curiosity tinged with trepidation, I reached into my purse and retrieved a set of lockpicks I had brought with me for some inexplicable reason.

Carefully, I picked the locks, one by one, until the final drawer yielded to my efforts. Inside, I discovered a large, leather-bound book that seemed to be a journal. It had an air of secrecy about it, like it held untold stories.

I opened the book and my eyes fell upon the handwritten words, revealing that it was Joseph's diary. As I read, I was drawn into the narrative of his life as an incubus, spanning over 500 years. The words spoke of his struggles, his loneliness, and the heavy burden of immortality.

Joseph wrote candidly about the price of his immortality.
**Journal Entry**
Date: 8/13/1763

I find myself once again committing my thoughts to paper, a chronicle of my existence as an incubus, a creature of desire and darkness.

Five centuries have come and gone, and still, I remain in this timeless existence. Immortality, a gift and a curse, has granted me the power to traverse dreams, to feed on the desires of the unsuspecting. But it has also cursed me with an unrelenting loneliness.

My nights are filled with encounters with mortal women, their dreams a source of sustenance that leaves me feeling hollow. It is not their fault, for they are but pawns in this game, driven by their own desires. But it is a burden I bear, one that gnaws at my very soul.

The truth is, I never asked for this life, this existence that forces me to roam from one dream to the next, never finding solace in the arms of a true companion. For an incubus, a mate is everything, the one who completes us, who shares our eternal journey.

And so, in a moment of desperation, I made a pact with the very darkness that has shaped my existence. A sinister bargain, whispered in the shadows, an agreement that if I do not find my mate and forge the bond we were destined for, I risk being consumed by the very abyss from which I draw my power.

It is a gamble, a high-stakes game, with my very soul on the line. But what choice do I have? I am Joseph, the incubus, and my destiny hangs in the balance between desire and darkness.

The words on those pages painted a poignant picture of Joseph's existence, revealing the inner turmoil and the high stakes he faced. It was a glimpse into the hidden world of an incubus, one that held secrets and struggles beyond what I could have imagined. That would mean that the darkness that was trying to consume me is meant for him. Which has to mean that I'm his mate?! Just then the locks on the doors jiggled. I ran to the nearest closet hid, closing the door behind me.

I couldn't let them know the information I found out, I have to play dumb. Lucien walks in and sees the evidence I left behind. He came walking over to the closet after I accidentally knocked over a golf bag. As soon as he opened the door I was back in my tub at home.

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