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Synopsis: Geiz hated thunderstorms. The thunder sounded like explosions. So, when a bad storm rolls in one night, things don't go very well.

TW// nothing explicit, just trauma mentions


For as long as he could remember, Geiz had always hated thunderstorms. The booms of thunder reminded him of the booms of destruction as Oma Zi-O destroyed the world. The flashes of lightning reminded him of the attacks he witnessed kill his comrades.

All in all, Geiz despised thunderstorms. So, when one rolled in, things did not go well. Even if logically he knew that he was safe in this time period, his mind didn't always agree with him.

He had been sleeping, when a loud boom of thunder shook the house. Geiz jumped awake from the noise. His body instinctively went into fight or flight mode. He was panicking. All he could see was memories of the horrible things he had witnessed.

Another crack of thunder sounded, a flash of lightning not far behind. Geiz screamed and buried himself under the covers. His entire body was shaking. He was breathing heavily.


A sudden voice broke through all the surrounding noise. The rain was pelting against the house. But, Geiz knew exactly who the voice belonged to. And absolutely despised the fact said person knew exactly what was going on with him as well.

He was still panicking. Another boom of thunder sent him hiding even deeper under the covers.

"Afraid of the storm, are we?" Suddenly there was movement on his bed.

"I'm not..." Geiz protested, and then quietly added, "and you know it..."

Geiz moved his head out of the covers enough to see Woz siting on the bed and staring at him. In the dark of the room, it was hard to tell what type of expression he was making.

"Shall I turn on a light?" Woz offered.

"Why? So you can make fun of me more?" Geiz grumbled.

"Not at-" Woz was interrupted by another loud boom of thunder.

Geiz cried out in panic at the noise once more. His body reacted instinctively and Geiz found himself clinging to Woz like his life depended on it.

"My... this certainly brings back memories." Woz teased quietly. There was some hesitation in his voice.

Geiz wanted to yell at him, but his voice wouldn't work. He tightened his hold on Woz's clothes. Tears were starting to form in the corners of his eyes. Woz's arms wrapped around him.

Lightning flashed, lighting up the room briefly. Geiz felt Woz flinch and he finally realized he wasn't the only one unnerved by the storm outside. Now that he was calmed a bit, Geiz could feel the fact that Woz was panicked as well. He could hear his heart pounding in his chest. Could feel how fast his breathing was.

The next thunder, Geiz was able to feel Woz tighten his own hold. So, he also was afraid. Was also being reminded of the hell they had gone through. At least he wasn't the only one.

Geiz let out a dry laugh. "We're both a mess, huh?"

"I guess we are..." Woz replied.

It felt weird being so casual with Woz after everything, but for tonight, maybe it wasn't so bad. Neither of them were exactly very put together right now. There wasn't much room for thinking about their strained relationship.

"So... what do we do...?" Geiz didn't know why he asked. What was there to even do about this situation?

"I don't know."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2023 ⏰

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