•The Well•

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          The well seemed to be very dark and deep, making it unable for us to see the bottom. Randy let go of my hand the warmth of it instantly leaving as the sudden brisk cold air coated my hand once agin making me shiver. He pulled off his backpack and began to dig through it searching for something. In the end he seemed to find what he was looking for. His face lit up as he pulled out two silver quarters. He handed one to me and together we stared at the magnificent old well in silence. There was moss on every inch of it making it almost impossible to see in the dense woods surrounding it. Ivy was starting to grow up the side covering it almost completely. 

"Thanks" I managed to squeak out looking at the well. My stomach once again began to churn as an unsettling feeling arose. A heavy fog began to set weighing down on us. All of a sudden random memories of all the times my mom hit me came flooding in my head. My brother screaming at her to stop as all the pain came back. Memories of my dad in the hospital before he died of cancer. Memories of past bullies at school beating me up behind the alleyway. Other students talking about me behind my back and calling me names. Suddenly I knew exactly what I wanted. I was going to wish to be alone. That way it would just be me with my thoughts no more bullies in the world to haunt me anymore. 

"Ready to make a wish?" Randy claimed his voice only an echo in my mind. 

"Let's do it." I said my mind already made up. 

"On the count of 3" Randy whispered as we got ready.

"1" My mind was racing. 

"2" My heart was pounding heavily in my chest.

"3" My anger was coursing through my veins, the yelling taunts echoing in my mind "Nerd," "Worthless peice of shit," "Just die already." The full moon peaked out from above, the time on my watch struck midnight.

"I wish I was just left alone." I mumbled to myself quietly as we let our coins fall into the dark abyss of the well. 

As if all at once the anger and echoing voices in my head were gone as I snapped back to reality realizing what I had just done. 

I turned to see if Randy was still there and... he was?

Nothing happened.

"I guess my wish didn't come true" I thought to myself disappointment showing through my face.

"Huh-nothing happened" Randy said turning to face me. 

"I guess not" I replied back a little bit bummed. 

"Oh well we tried, and it was fun going on this little adventure with you Luke. Thanks for coming with me."

"Of course Ran I'll always go with you, and hey I told yah this was all just a bunch of hocus pocus." As the words left my mouth lighting slashed through the sky. The sound of thunder boomed above as rain began to pour down on us. 

"Awww shit" Randy whined "Now we gotta walk back in the rain."

"Thats ok" I signed "Maybe when we get back to your house I could stay the night?"

"Heck yeah!!!" Randy suddenly beamed. "We could make hot chocolate, and popcorn, and watch a movie!" 

"Sure" I smiled rain starting to seep through my clothes as it poured down through the trees up above. 

"Let's hurry home." Randy smiled the rain making his clothes stick to his delicate features, making his hair look even more beautiful than before.  

I grabbed his hand and together we ran back in what hopefully was the direction we came from. 

*20 minutes later*

We were still trenching through the dense woods, a thick layer of mud seeming to get into our eyes as the rain tried to wash it away. The rain continued to pour down heavily as our shoes sloshed around in the slick mud. Both of us walking carefully, desperately trying not to slip and fall into the freshly made mud beneath us.

Alone At Last (UNEDITED)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora